
andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
hi all i am a new referee and new to this site,

was using a&h until there forum was closed down, got my first in the middle this weekend so v excited:D
A&H International
Hi Andy

Welcome to RefChat.

Let us know how the game goes. Best of luck!

Wonder what's happened at A and H then?
thanks ross,

here is a copy of the email i sent and received from them!

me: Message: hi there is your forum site down.
i am receiving: Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /forum/ on this server.
Apache/2 Server at www.the-ref.co.uk Port 80

them: Hi Andrew,
Yes, the hosting company has blocked it for some reason...
We're currently working on moving the hosting, will hopefully be fixed very soon.
Kind Regards
A&H International

all i can say is someone had but a bot on the forum and was posting stuff like how to buy a wedding dress:mad: (where about in notts are you from there is only one team in red)
Arsenal? :)

Not from Nottingham, used to live there but now live in Cornwall. Might be time to update my signature. :)
So I kept being told I think by every forest fan I've met :)