Hello to everyone

Mick Begley

EFL Assistant Referee
Level 2 Referee
Hello everyone,

I have been looking and reading here for a while you all sound a very nice bunce of people.

My name is Michael Begley I am a new Referee started this year although I have been part of football all my children's life, I started this year so I could help my boys out and there team didn't have to pay for a Referee at there home matches they play for an under 15 club in Dorset, Things have quite dramatically changed for the good I love Referring that much I need more and more I love it!.

I have recently been senior assistant referee in two Dorset Premier games and one junior assistant in another I have been in the middle fourteen times already this year I am hoping to go far in the game.

All the best to you all.

A&H International
Welcome to the site Mick, enjoy your stay here
hi mick,

welcome to the site, i like you have just started this season, and this place is full of knowledge should you need it after a tough game.

all the best.
Thank you Andy,

To be honest nothing gets my back up if it happens then it can be sorted, I love the game and the way it should be played rules are rules thats why we are here.

One thing I do regret is that I should of became a Referee a few yeas ago but better late than never!

I have full Respect for our Referring community.


Thank you Andy,

To be honest nothing gets my back up if it happens then it can be sorted, I love the game and the way it should be played rules are rules thats why we are here.

One thing I do regret is that I should of became a Referee a few yeas ago but better late than never!

I have full Respect for our Referring community.


funny you should say that dave and i were just saying the other day we wish we have of done this when we were younger.