Hello: new (returning...) ref


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

After 3 seasons out from refereeing, due to various personal events, I did my exam re-take yesterday and passed it and I'm now re-registered with Wilts FA.

I'm now raring to go and get back in the middle after my break, and reading through this forum has been helpful and comforting, so thank you for all your contributions.

The main nerve inducing thing in my head at the moment is remembering the pre-match "admin" - when to get the teamsheets, what to note down pre-match, spiel to captains/club assistants, etc.

As I said, having read through threads on these subjects, it has been useful to get mentally prepared, and any further advice you good people can offer will be very much appreciated.

Looking forward to getting stuck in, both on the pitch and, hopefully, contributing to this forum.

A&H International
Hi all,

After 3 seasons out from refereeing, due to various personal events, I did my exam re-take yesterday and passed it and I'm now re-registered with Wilts FA.

I'm now raring to go and get back in the middle after my break, and reading through this forum has been helpful and comforting, so thank you for all your contributions.

The main nerve inducing thing in my head at the moment is remembering the pre-match "admin" - when to get the teamsheets, what to note down pre-match, spiel to captains/club assistants, etc.

As I said, having read through threads on these subjects, it has been useful to get mentally prepared, and any further advice you good people can offer will be very much appreciated.

Looking forward to getting stuck in, both on the pitch and, hopefully, contributing to this forum.

Make a notebook incorporated checklist
Cards, whistle, notebook, pen, coin, watch, spares etc
Pitch, goals, corner flags
Players kit colour issues, goalkeeper same, shin pads, boots, jewelery
Team sheets, number of subs and their names
Captain's first names and shirt numbers
Count 11 players on FOP before starting
Record the outcome of the toss

I rarely speak to the teams, other than introductions and kit check and pleasantries. If i've had a problem with a team, i'll indicate the importance of a mutual clean slate and that i never make any personal judgement of them based on past incidents. Again, no instruction, just clean slate. Even in games in which i expect problems, i'd rather they learn from my actions. Again, pleasantries only with captains except name exchange

I also get the names of all non-playing team officials and their role. I simply explain that i need to know who is who so i can ignore spectators (exceptions of course). If i need to dismiss a team official, i know who they are and what there role is and it makes the process much easier, as they may be hostile and unwilling to state name at that point. Also allows me to use their first name throughout

Have i missed anything?
As I said, having read through threads on these subjects, it has been useful to get mentally prepared, and any further advice you good people can offer will be very much appreciated.

I returned last season after four ish years out due to health issues. When I contacted my FA about returning, they put me through the exam again and then worked with the local league to give me reserve games for the first five matches. They also sent me an assessor for my debut return. The idea was to slowly re-introduce me to the game, with the slower games to get me back up to speed.

You could ask your league to follow a similar plan. There's no harm in asking really and you may not want to be thrown into a top division match straight off the bat, though if they had any sense they wouldn't do this anyway! As it so happened, I was pushed onto first team duty rather quickly but I didn't come anywhere near the top divisions until two months down the line and I'm grateful for it because obviously there's the speed difference to get acclimatised to.

Get in touch with your society - if they haven't got in touch with you yet, because they'll have someone on there who you can pester with all the trivial and non-trivial questions. Any issues or advice needed for say, caution reporting, admin issues etc, they'll usually have someone who can help refresh your memory or alert you to any changes that may have happened.

Otherwise I think @Big Cat has covered a lot of the pre-match stuff; I'll only add that some leagues have a requirement to get the team-sheets in early, but you know how it is at grassroots, managers dither and sometimes you'll get it back five minutes before kick-off. If that happens don't let them rush you out there, delay the kick-off if need be, make sure you're ready and comfortable.

And for your first game back, best of luck, take a deep breath, try and remain calm and don't worry *too* much; you may have doubts and feel a bit hesitant - god knows I was, I thought I had an awful game, and yet the assessor marked me 8.2. If you get an assessor there for the first match, he can do you a world of good in re-assuring you straight from the offset on anything you might have missed etc - so if your FA can allocate you one, that would be brilliant. If not, don't worry, you'll probably do fine.
Hi Matty,

I was previously a Level 4 and have been away from the game for 6/7 seasons. Just started back this season and had the same sort of worries.

I’ve started back as a Level 5 and my aim this season is to get as many games as possible of varying standards. You know what you’re doing as you’ve done it before - the game certainly hasn’t changed (minus some minor law changes) so don’t over think it too much and enjoy it.

I had my first middle yesterday and it was a Division 1 game. Loved it. Like I’d never been away. I suppose the only thing I was lacking was a bit of match sharpness and positional play but that will certainly come back very quickly.

Keep us updated and let us know how your first games go.

Hi all,

Sorry for my delayed response - thanks for all your input, I greatly appreciate it.

Unfortunately my first game back as an AR was called off due to a waterlogged pitch, but (weather permitting) I have another AR appointment this Saturday, followed by 4 middles through the rest of September.

Slightly nervous, very excited and looking forward to getting back into it - will keep you all updated.
