Helicopter on the pitch


Level 7 Referee
Today i had to stop my match whilst an air ambulance landed on the pitch. it happens quite often as the pitch is round the corner from alder hey childrens hospital and they have an abulance waiting to take the over thenroad. I just wondered what is the strangest thing you have had to stop a game for
A&H International
An old fella came across one game at the end of last season and was talking to hone team manager, turns out he's been on the car park that was packed with everybody's cars and mixed the accelerator and brake pedals.

Ploughed into about 5 cars.

We had to stop the game, all trudge across and find out who's then wait while they all swapped insurance details.
How do you get notified for when you have to clear the pitch? Do staff at the hospital have to tell you? Or do you just get a helicopter descending on the pitch mid-game?
Dogs is the strangest thing I've had so far, public field and old bloke let his dogs off the lead. Suddenly, goalkeeper shouts "Ref, there's a dog on the pitch!! Now there's 2 of them" had to try quite hard not to laugh.
How do you get notified for when you have to clear the pitch? Do staff at the hospital have to tell you? Or do you just get a helicopter descending on the pitch mid-game?
We literally see and hear a big yellow thing approaching and luckily enough the ball went out for a goal kick so we all moved and then restarted when it flew off!
We have a local pitch with a footpath going from corner to corner. I once had to stop a game while the oldest, slowest old lady in the world(!) walked from one end to the other pulling a shopping trolley (a bit like Mrs Overall if anyone remembers her!)
Then yesterday I suddenly realised that a player from the adjacent pitch (where greens were playing reds) had walked onto my pitch (also where greens were playing reds) to retrieve his team's match ball and was standing in the middle of the active area while my players ran around him chasing the ball!
Person or persons unknown had obviously had a bonfire on the pitch the previous evening, prior to one of my games.

Site was (very) hot to the touch, so had to get home side to get buckets of water to pour over the site to cool it down!
Once had a Woman push a kid in a buggy right across the pitch mid game. Everyone stopped and was shouting 'what you doing, theres a game on here' to which as cool as you like she replied 'public park I always walk this way'.
helicopters, Heculeas, Merlins, Chinook or a Black Hawk.

Joy of playing at Bastion United's home ground.

Trips to the away teams were, err, interesting! Pre match pitch inspection with a metal detector and Bomb Disposal squad.
I had a lady on the side lines who's waters broke & went into labour. Her husband was playing at the time. He asked to leave the pitch so he could be with her. I did have to stop the game again later when the ambulance service arrived. She actually had a round of applause when she left to be taken to hospital. She had a little girl & both were at the next game of theirs that I refereed.
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I had a lady on the side lines who's waters broke & went into labour. Her husband was playing at the time. He asked to leave the pitch so he could be with her. I did have to stop the game again later when the ambulance service arrived. She actually had a round of applause when she left to be taken to hospital. She had a little girl & both were at the next game of theirs that I refereed.
Sorry, don't believe this. A player asked to leave the pitch? Next thing you will be trying to convince us that players know the LotG! ;)
Once had four local idiots start tearing round the pitch on motorbikes for about 10 minutes, they were the kind of lads you didn't really want to say get off too if you know what i mean.