
Despite you calling me a plonker
Well I was hoping you knew I didn't mean that! (I removed it anyway)....
The perils of message boards... light-hearted tomfoolery can easily be mistaken for proper name calling! :rage: But I figured we get on well enough that I could call you anything without being dismissed OFFINABUS
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A&H International
Well I was hoping you knew I didn't mean that! (I removed it anyway)....
The perils of message boards... light-hearted tomfoolery can easily be mistaken for proper name calling! :rage: But I figured we get on well enough that I could call you anything without being dismissed OFFINABUS
I don't know about anything, but yes no red card from me! :p
The offside rule should be changed that anypart of the body is onside then they're onside. Also if you can't make a decision within 30 seconds then give the goal.
The offside rule should be changed that anypart of the body is onside then they're onside. Also if you can't make a decision within 30 seconds then give the goal.
Do you tend to perform difficult tasks better when you have time to do it carefully, or when you're trying to do it under an artificial and unecessary time limit? The only effect a time limit will have is increase the number of incorrect decisions.
Arsene's idea doesn't solve anything. It's just 'change' for the sake of it. From an AR's perspective, it's easier to see a part of the body that protrudes into an offside position than it is to see a part of the body that will likely be hidden from view (to keep the player onside)

There's a trend of too much change over the last decade and that change is always done at excessive pace without the implications being properly thought through and trialled. It smacks of too many voices sat round a table with too many bright ideas purely to justify salaries and status. I'm not against change, but there's too much of it happening apace across the game and much of it seems pointless and therefore detrimental

Take the 'sledgehammer' approach to County Promotions for example. I understand some of the motivation, but they've gone too far in one hit. And the new model would be near-on impossible to reverse if it further damages the standard of refereeing, in particular leaving candidates ill-prepared for 5-to-4

And of course VAR. Probably the biggest revolution to the dynamic of the game ever
All happened overnight... almost in the blink of an eye in the wider context. The handbrake turn of VAR is probably it's biggest failing. No thought to gradual adoption of massive change
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The offside rule should be changed that anypart of the body is onside then they're onside. Also if you can't make a decision within 30 seconds then give the goal.
That would be impossible to judge - how would you see through a line of defenders to judge if, for example, an attacker at the far side of a free kick line up had any part of his body onside?