Hanging up the whistle..


Don't worry, I'm not giving up refereeing ;)

I'm thinking about returning to playing in the Sunday league as opposed to refereeing, while still refereeing on a Saturday :)

After seeing a local team play today, they reminded me what the game was all about.. Going out and having some fun with your mates!
A&H International
I give it 3 weeks before you get sent off and "never want to play again" :p :D
Ahh, that won't be the case.. I'm a goalkeeper ;) So I can see the other team fouling my attacker from my end of the pitch :p
The all seeing keepers eh? It's amazing what they see from the other end of the pitch
Yeah I was a keeper in a previous life "always knew" our attacker had been flagged wrongly :p and was a gobby towards the ref! boy am I getting pay back now!
All I'd say is remember that you have to get up for work on a Monday morning - some players seem to forget that when they throw themselves into challenges.

I actually thought about hanging up the whistle (for the second time) last weekend after getting punched in the face for sending someone off. However, I've realised it's not worth letting the player in question win by doing that, so I'd rather let the police/FA do their bit and I'll carry on while the offender is out of the game.
wow Hawkesey I'm impressed carrying on after being punched. I think I'd seriously consider my refereeing career if someone hit me! I'd certainly want to see a serious ban for the player and hope whatever league took action against the team as well.

Just out of interest did you carry the game after you was punched or did you abandon it? I think I'd be fairly shaken and have to end the game personally.
I got punched by a player, nearly 12 years ago now, when I was 17. I just got back up and laughed at him.
His response "I'm never playing football again am I?"

Sent him off and finished the game, all 45 seconds of it