

Active Member
Ive been thinking (and severely confusing myself) and ive read the LOTG but I need someone to tell me.... Does one punish an accidental handball?

Sorry this sounds simple but ive confused myself :confused: :D
A&H International
i apolgise if im wrong and some one else knows better, but my understanding is there is no such thing as accidental handball however sometimes we need to look and see if the the ball strikes the hand (player doesnt have time to move out of way) or if the hand moves towards the ball ( arms waving in the air). i personally have never given a handball for a ball striking a defender who had no chance of getting his hand out of way. like i say if im wrong i stand corrected
There is a strong difference between hand ball, and ball-to-hand. You just need to learn to differentiate between the two :)

You'll always be able to tell if it was accidental, it can just sometimes be a bit harder to spot a deliberate. Most of the time, unless it is a blatant mistake on our behalf, the players will get on with it if you shout the game on :)
I work on the principle that therhas to be intent to play the ball with the hand or arm, if so, i blow (then choose what action to take depending on the situation) - if i do'nt see intent, we carry on
There is no accidental hand ball, but there is deliberate handball. I tend to go by the rule that if the arm is outstretched / not in a 'natural' position, then its hand ball. Don't do what happened in the PL the other week! (Was it Blackburn, can't quite remember?)

Trust me, when you see a situation, you will know if it is or not!
heres one I had at the weekend. Goalie rushing out, dives towards the on rushing forward who is taking a shot, the keepers momentum takes him out of the area and "saves" the shot with his hand, but outside the box. I gave a free kick on the edge of the box and booked the keeper. The helpful lino at half time did say a new law came in stating any goal keeper handling the ball outside the area is a straight red (I think perhaps he might have been getting a bit over excited by claiming any handball!). But the keeper did deliberately handball it I guess, but mainly due to him rushing out. I think a red would have been harsh as the striker was fairly close so I didnt want to make the assumption the ball was going in.
...The helpful lino at half time did say a new law came in stating any goal keeper handling the ball outside the area is a straight red (I think perhaps he might have been getting a bit over excited by claiming any handball!). But the keeper did deliberately handball it I guess, but mainly due to him rushing out. I think a red would have been harsh as the striker was fairly close so I didnt want to make the assumption the ball was going in.

From what you've said I'm sure you got it right. Your lino was probably getting confused about DOGSO by hand from the keeper outside the box, which you'd already taken into account by saying that there was no obvious goalscoring opportunity (ie. the ball wasn't necessarily on its way in). I read your other thread and you were a bit unfortunate with regards timing of events, but you should feel confident you called it right. At the end of the day, you're the one who matters - one team or another is always going to think you got it wrong (either genuinely, because of their rose-tinted specs or in an attempt to undermine/influence you).
Your right about only pleasing one team. No matter how hard you try to go down the middle and keep things under control with every decision you make you’ll make 11 men happy and 11 unhappy. You can have the best game ever, but every time you blow that whistle someone will think its the biggest injustice ever. I’m slowly getting used to that. It is possible to blow up at the end and have both teams happy, but during the match your going to annoy a few people.