Handball, yellow?

A&H International
It isn't harsh, it is completely wrong, but Spain have always had a very harsh approach to handling.

At least it couldn't have happened to a nicer team ... 😂
It wasn't until my third replay in slow motion that I could actually see what happened. My first view live was that it was a handball that stopped a shot on goal and therefore is spa. I guess it's not terribly shocking that the referee missed what happened in real time by it coming off the defender.
Anyone watching the Real Madrid game? No handball for me...

I will try and find a video
I thought it was more pec for me, I was surprised it was given based on one angle, but can understand from another angle.

Wasn't exactly a quick review so a tight one imo.
Original video: very very harsh and I think a wrong decision. Don’t think referee saw the bounce off other player to arm. But as many have already said - VAR cannot get involved in YCs.

Real Madrid Video: agree with the VAR decision. Think there is (marginal) contact with non-sleeve arm, and uses arm ‘unnaturally” to gain an advantage. I think it is the correct decision.
Yet perfectly acceptable in the EPL by quite some margin. Just more inconsistency from VAR, this time depending on the nationality of the forensics team
FWIW this Spanish one is not HB but they love a HB in Spain
Wall infringement is fairly obvious tho

in Scotland you dont get into a bar with football shirt, last night, it seemed it you did not have a shirt they must give you one at the door
Stupid beatles haircuts and tons of tatoos

Am bk in May