Grassroots Interview

I agree that the referee in the video was technically incorrect on a couple of occasions but, in line with what many on here are saying, a grass roots match had a referee on the day who effectively "controlled" the proceedings from start to finish. It wasn't evident to me that any of the players were "up in arms" about his performance. As with all things, the players/coaches know less about the laws than he does anyway. Indeed, the video and report are provided from the perspective of the team that lost the tie so in time-honoured fashion, they're going to berate him no matter what.
Irrespective of whomsoever was in the middle that day, the job got done without any dismissals, mass punch-ups or major drama of any description. At the end of the day, all that grass roots teams really want/require is somebody impartial out there who can make match based decisions on their behalf. More or less.

As for the producers of the video/match report/interview - they lost. They could probably have had Geordie Oliver out there that day and they'd have still berated his performance. ... :cool:
A&H International
I think everyone on the thread agrees with your middle paragraph in principal. But when there aren't "suitable match referees" to cover all the matches, your options are:

1. Use someone like this
2. Use a coach/manager from one of the teams
3. Postpone the match until a ref becomes available.

What are you choosing?
Option 3 doesn’t exist as SCoR in England says the two clubs have to agree on a replacement. Postponement isn’t an option.
How do they hinder a proper development pathway at youth level?

The referee in the video is allowing spitting and elbows in the face, never mind not applying other areas of the LOTG correctly, I don't see how that is conductive to youth development short of encouraging misbehaviour.

And I also think it stands to reason that if a referee is being selective about the LOTG (at senior level, no less) he will not just be selective at junior level, but he will also be picky about which competition rules he chooses to enforce and which cards (if he shows them) that he chooses to to put in.

That's why I think they bring nothing to the game, I can't see a coach/manager doing any worse than that, but at least with coaches and managers they can't show the badge and say they're legit.

It's a sad position football has put itself in when they have to choose between the lesser of the two evils.

I understand that, just ideally they wouldn't be around IMO.
The referee in the video is allowing spitting and elbows in the face, never mind not applying other areas of the LOTG correctly, I don't see how that is conductive to youth development short of encouraging misbehaviour.

And I also think it stands to reason that if a referee is being selective about the LOTG (at senior level, no less) he will not just be selective at junior level, but he will also be picky about which competition rules he chooses to enforce and which cards (if he shows them) that he chooses to to put in.

That's why I think they bring nothing to the game, I can't see a coach/manager doing any worse than that, but at least with coaches and managers they can't show the badge and say they're legit.

I understand that, just ideally they wouldn't be around IMO.

The very first text in the lotg book start and end this.

Philosophy and the Spirit of the Laws.

If someone blatently disregards the very intro to the lotg themselves the sport is better off without them.
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Option 3 doesn’t exist as SCoR in England says the two clubs have to agree on a replacement. Postponement isn’t an option.
We're talking hypothetically here, I wanted to list all possible options for @Anubis to pick from, not just those available under current rules.