Got my first game this Friday

Dave Mac

Hi all,

I have recently finished my course and level 9, so need to get my 6 games done. I have my first game this Friday night, just wondering if anyone had any tips for a newbie.
A&H International
Take no sh1T !!!
Enjoy your time out there and show them that your enjoying it. Haver a good prematch with your assistants and come across confident at all times. Good luck be sure to let us know how you get on
Thanks andy. I am really looking forward to it, but obviously nervous at the same time. I know both the teams playing and dont think there will be much trouble and it is just a friendly as well, so hoping it'll be all good spirited. I'll give a report back on how it goes at the weekend!

Well done on your course!

Personnally, what help'd me (and still does!) is to whistle for absoloutly everything in the first 10 minutes, and I mean seriously, if there is a hint of a foul, blow up for it, and hit your whistle hard, show them that you take no sh*t!

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)
Ahh another advocate of the four 10's method.. See quite a few of those around these days!

However, Dave good luck for your game.. Seeing as it's Saturday; you should have refereed a game last night or today, let us know how it went :).
Well it was certainly an eye opener. At no point did I really think about the laws as such, you just kinda go with you you gut reaction to a situation. I was lucky as the game was played in good spirit and I only had a few decisions to make and no tackles flying too aggressively, so no cards to give out.

There was one chap getting a bit over the top and aggressive, but managed to keep him fairly calm with the odd word here and there.

I really enjoyed it. One thing that did surprise was just how important position is. I know it may seem obvious but I didnt realise how much easier the job is when your in the right position as you can really give a decision with total confidence or wave it away confidently.

I found being out of position and people calling for a foul you really do doubt whether your making the wrong call by waving it away. But I was well truly going on the basis of I was only giving what I could see, which I was really happy with as I was worried the second a few people are shouting for a foul I'd buckle and give it. That said I know I missed a hand ball and even at the end of the game the player said to me he "got away with it" but again I think that was down to my position.

But overall I really enjoyed it. I kept up with play which was one of my main worries and I think the fact the game was so friendly made it alot easier!

I'm going to look at getting some more games booked in now as really want to get to the level 7 asap.

Cheers for all the help and support guys, hopefully this will be the first of many!
Dave thanks for the report as promised.

Dont worry about levels makes no difference when your just starting out just go out and enjoy it and the leveling will look after itself !

Im glad you enjoyed it and hope you have many years refereeing :D

Good luck
Glad it went well. First game is always nerve racking but sounds like you got through it unscathed :)

Sounds like you've learnt an awful lot from it, just need to take that forward into your next game.

Good luck and if you have any questions, you know where we are
It was really good fun and I did relax into it.

I've learnt alot from it and think next time I'm refereeing there be alot less of the first time things to worry about and I'll be able to focus on the positioning a bit more etc.

I think one of the biggest surprises is how alert you have to stay, when playing you can switch off a bit when you know the ball isnt coming anywhere near you, but as a ref you've got to stay alert to everything that is going on.
Not forgetting to grow a pair of eyes in the back of your head :D
Congrats on getting the first one done. The always alert thing is a big one. The one that always catches me out is the ball is hoofed out and I have to deal with a sub/injury etc. Remembering where the throw was always catches me out.