Goalkeeper handball question


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
A goalkeeper is guilty of a handball offence if he handles the ball outside the penalty area.

The ball is inside the penalty area if any part of the ball is over any part of the PA line. (Is that right?)

So it's possible for a GK to handle a ball legally with his hand outside the PA (so long as some part of the ball is over some part of the 18 yard box line).

Have I got something wrong there?
A&H International
That is correct. As long as the ball is inside the penalty area a goalkeeper can legally touch any part of the ball with his hands including the part of the ball that is over the penalty area line. For a ball to be outside the penalty area all of the ball must be over all of the line.
The challenge for referees is that in a match situation is determining that at speed and from a distance. Might be easier with VAR but to the grassroots referee it is what is seen.
Thankfully a rare call. As it can be horrible


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The challenge for referees is that in a match situation is determining that at speed and from a distance. Might be easier with VAR but to the grassroots referee it is what is seen.
though VAR could only get involved if it was DOG/DOGSO.

It wouldn’t be bad if the language of the Laws was more clear about it being based solely on position of the balls.
though VAR could only get involved if it was DOG/DOGSO.
Not if the touch was by keeper but if ball is partly over the line and handball by an outfield player where the point of contact is outside and ref gives a FK instead of pen, then VAR can get involved.