Goal line technology


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Today football has changed forever.
Personally I think it's for the best. Anything to help us out and make our life a lot easier I'm all for it. Even as a fan I am 100% behind it. I really can't wait for it to be introduced. The news today states it could be in the EPL by the new year.

The question being as this is going to be law who has to pay for it to be installed at each ground The FA or each club??

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A&H International
Still unsure about it. Haven't quite made my mind up
I am not a huge fan, mainly cause it cant be introudced at every level. However I do realise goals change games so that should be the thing we make sure we get right. But like the Ukraine game the forward is offside at the start of the move but then the ball goes in, so its a goal, but it was offisde. I dont think technology should be introduced for everything.