Gloucestershire County Cup

Will Davison

New Member
Level 7 Referee
I have a game tomorrow in the Gloucestershire county cup. A team from bristol playing one of my local teams. It has been raining a lot recently and am worried that I may have to postpone tomorrows game. My problem is that the team from Bristol are going to have travelled about 40 minutes to get to the ground. Has anyone ever been in the position where they do not postpone a game because the away team has travelled so far and it feels wrong to cancel the game and then send them back on their way?
A&H International
It's unfortunate but I had to call a game off 5 weeks in a row. I'd travelled an hour to get there as had one of the teams. If you can get there early enough to inspect the pitch, great! Counties in the past have asked local referees to have a look at pitches to see if they're fit to play on. Don't know if that's still the case.
You never know the pitch may be perfect!

Welcome to RefChat by the way :)
The teams secretary should be a bit wiser as most competition rules mean you have pay half fee and travelling expenses for officials. As Ross says they should get a local ref to check and it in the morning and try and make a call against the weather forecast.
If it's not playable, then call it off.

Safety should always come before convenience, and it's a lot easier to justify a "soft" postponement than what it is to be explaining why you played on a pitch that was not fit, with resulting injuries in the game.