Gibraltar v Macedonia

A&H International
Same as the one the other day - ****ing stupid refereeing. Talk about creating a rod for your own back
Hum, how is that "f**king stupid refereeing" ? Being able to trick your opponent when you're correct by the law and they do something stupid is part of the game. I see way to many refs trying to apply THEIR own rhythm on the game while they should follow the players rhythm, just like this ref did
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This is terrible refereeing. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. Law 18 applies here. We need to think about what the purpose of a kick-off is.

It's just contentious refereeing done 'because he can' - given some of the comments I've seen on other referee forums about this, such a decision could potentially be done out of spite, for the sake of 'getting one up' on the players. Not saying that's why this referee did it, but talking about perception.

Manage the players before you try to pull a stupid stunt like this. A KO isn't a QFK.
Nothing wrong as per law 5 but ref should do more to 'control' celebrations as per interpretation of law 12.

Wording of interpretation of Law 12 covers this imaginary law 18.

take your pick
Id say its a goal, all players inside their own half, kick off taken correctly, does it matter where the players are? Its their own fault!
Because the laws back me up, if I'd have disallowed it and Gibraltar had a massive go, I wouldnt have a leg to stand on as the laws wouldnt be in my favour
Disallow what?? Don't start the game!! Go tell the players to get a move on and if they refuse book one of em... Much better than this
Aside from the kick off looking a bit ropey I.e. Same player touches it twice maybe but hard to tell from distance, perfectly legitimate goal and I would be perfectly happy to allow this myself. We cannot control what the players do and if they have re-entered their own half then so be it. I think a Norwegian team got caught out by this this before as well. Sod them, if they want to celebrate for an hour let them but the game carries on.
Because the laws back me up, if I'd have disallowed it and Gibraltar had a massive go, I wouldnt have a leg to stand on as the laws wouldnt be in my favour

So what if the LOTG back you up?
As I said, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. I would think some understanding of the game and the point of a KO comes into play here.
Disallowing the goal isn't even an option, given the restart can't occur until your go-ahead (according to the advice in the LOTG, on your whistle)

Players talk about referees who like making decisions to make themselves the centre of attention, or referees who don't understand the game. This decision falls into that category.

As I said, manage the players first. If they're not getting into position then think about allowing the KO, given that they're technically not DTROP.

I was even more appalled to read what the match actually was. Let the players celebrate, for crying out loud. They're not taking too long, they're not refusing the referee instructions to get on with it. This just smacks of a referee with no understanding of the occasion.

And to make this an even poorer decision, the white team had a sub on the field at the time. One more reason why the KO should not have taken place.
If we are talking about this old debate that keeps popping its head up on this site ....

LOTG v Common Sense ?

I will fall on the side of common sense every time

In the above situation if applying the LOTG to the letter in the referees eyes he was correct to let the quick thinking Reds to take the kick early .

BUT if applying the LOTG correctly he should have booked 2 white players for leaving the FOP without permission and 2 more for entering the FOP without permission and as @CapnBloodbeard rightly says the game kicked off with a sub still on the pitch you cannot pick and choose what laws you apply to the letter >

give a big whistle ,give 10 secs to get the celebrating players back where they should be , restart the game and no one would have batted an eyelid

As a referee if you go looking for trouble you will find it very easily .....COMMON SENSE 1 v 0 LOTG
Yes. What are you debating?

Interpretation of law 3, sub or subbed player on fop / goal scored with extra person on f.o.p.

Nothing in lotg prevents a kick off with an extra player on the fop

BUT if applying the LOTG correctly he should have booked 2 white players for leaving the FOP without permssion QUOTE]

Again, are you sure about that, beezer :rolleyes:

See Interpretation of law 12, celebration of a goal

Having said that, although there's always an argument for saying that you had to be there, I'd like to think that I would have dealt with the celebrating players first.....again as per interpretation of law 12, celebration of a goal, 'referees are expected to act in a preventative manner and to exercise common sense in dealing with the celebration of a goal'

as far as I could tell from the video clip, the referee didn't meet this expectation
Correct call @haywain I stand corrected :oops: ....I still dont think was great decision by the referee..... an equaliser deep in stoppage time (in a youth final ?) there are gonna be celebrations but i suppose as mentioned in another post somewhere" celebrate in the opposing half ! ":)
A referee should never restart play with an extra player on the field. Ever.

Also, the LOTG state that if there's a sub on the field, the referee MUST stop play, just not immediately. I can't imagine that meaning anything other than at the next natural stoppage at the latest, thus implying the referee is not to restart play.
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subs on the pitch should technically still have been cautioned for entering without permission though .