Games on consecutive days.


The avuncular one
Or more accurately having tough games on consecutive days.

Physically, they aren't an issue. Don't feel quite so bouncy with the second game, but mobility is not an issue generally. Physical fitness is fine.

However, mental fitness or rather sharpness is a different thing. I always find myself a little dulled on the second game. Especially when it is games with long drives before and after, with not necessarily being able to refuel properly after games.

Any tips from anyone on this topic?
A&H International
Or more accurately having tough games on consecutive days.

Physically, they aren't an issue. Don't feel quite so bouncy with the second game, but mobility is not an issue generally. Physical fitness is fine.

However, mental fitness or rather sharpness is a different thing. I always find myself a little dulled on the second game. Especially when it is games with long drives before and after, with not necessarily being able to refuel properly after games.

Any tips from anyone on this topic?
Good night's sleep, stay hydrated, eat bananas, stay off the booze between games, make yourself a mixtape/playlist and play it loud.
That seems to be the done thing with players in the changing rooms before games.

Every possible dance song at full volume.
I have two on my phone. One called Cup Final - Loud and Angry (for pre-match) and Cup Final - Quiet (for post match). I drowned out the dance music :)
I have two on my phone. One called Cup Final - Loud and Angry (for pre-match) and Cup Final - Quiet (for post match). I drowned out the dance music :)

Brian I think the difference here is you play them to get in the right frame of mind and relax, players play them because they think it will suddenly make them Wayne Rooney....

Incidentally I have a couple of times walked down corridors past changing rooms and seen extension leads plugged in for these sound systems. As long as there's a quick exit route I strongly advise turning off at the mains. It's an awful lot of fun.