Game today left me wondering what I did wrong


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Just one of those games today, both teams had players who spend 90 minutes complaining non stop

There were shouts today of "Just call for it and the ref will give it!", "You dont know the rules ref", etc etc

I must admit today I even raised my voice aggressively today, which I have never done

Two players booked for reckless play. One for each team two separate occasions both off the ground when making a tackle but no where near player or ball so felt booking justified.

One booking was for the away team keeper. 50/50 ball in the penalty area, gk just gets the ball moments ahead of the striker who envitably makes contact with the gk. It was trivial so I signal play on as the gk has possession. The keeper then throws the ball at the attacker and then pushes him.

I award a penalty and caution the keeper for unsporting behaviour - adopting an aggressive attitude.

At this point i am told its not a penalty its an indirect freekick, I don't know what I am doing etc etc so I promptly book the player for dissent

Everyone makes a better referee than the bloke doing it.

Rant over, apologies, just one of those games.
A&H International
Just one of those games today, both teams had players who spend 90 minutes complaining non stop

There were shouts today of "Just call for it and the ref will give it!", "You dont know the rules ref", etc etc

I must admit today I even raised my voice aggressively today, which I have never done

Two players booked for reckless play. One for each team two separate occasions both off the ground when making a tackle but no where near player or ball so felt booking justified.

One booking was for the away team keeper. 50/50 ball in the penalty area, gk just gets the ball moments ahead of the striker who envitably makes contact with the gk. It was trivial so I signal play on as the gk has possession. The keeper then throws the ball at the attacker and then pushes him.

I award a penalty and caution the keeper for unsporting behaviour - adopting an aggressive attitude.

At this point i am told its not a penalty its an indirect freekick, I don't know what I am doing etc etc so I promptly book the player for dissent

Everyone makes a better referee than the bloke doing it.

Rant over, apologies, just one of those games.

If the Keeper has thrown ball at a player then I suspect you're about to get told 15 times to consider VC

1. If the GK has thrown the ball at a player, why didn't you consider it violent conduct?

Only 1 booking for dissent? 90 mins of players mouthing off?
Maybe an earlier caution for dissent could've changed that?
They happen mate unfortunately.

Worse when you get two similar teams together, they make each other 10 times worse.

Did you know anything of these teams before?

Past experience, or 'through the grapevine'?
I have previously refereed both these teams

Away team had a player sent off for dogso in the last game and a couple of bookings for dissent but nothing major, his kicked out there ref or in the back ref

Home team nothing too much from them really pushy in terms of verbal is ref surely a push there or ref hands all over me but nothing too crazy

Both teams today were non stop

@Padfoot i gave the penalty as the keeper retailited to what he felt was a foul by the home team striker. in my view had he punched the attacker all day red card but throwing the ball I felt it was more along the lines of pushing hence the penalty and yellow card

Sounds like a red card would have been justified although the temperature of the game would have risen considerably
I have previously refereed both these teams

Away team had a player sent off for dogso in the last game and a couple of bookings for dissent but nothing major, his kicked out there ref or in the back ref

Home team nothing too much from them really pushy in terms of verbal is ref surely a push there or ref hands all over me but nothing too crazy

Both teams today were non stop

@Padfoot i gave the penalty as the keeper retailited to what he felt was a foul by the home team striker. in my view had he punched the attacker all day red card but throwing the ball I felt it was more along the lines of pushing hence the penalty and yellow card

Sounds like a red card would have been justified although the temperature of the game would have risen considerably

Throwing an object at a player is no different to throwing a punch....

If you've stopped the game for a push in the penalty area then the penalty is correct...

Temperature of the game should never be a consideration when talking about violent offences.
Throwing an object at a player is no different to throwing a punch....

If you've stopped the game for a push in the penalty area then the penalty is correct...

Temperature of the game should never be a consideration when talking about violent offences.

Thanks for the advice, it's great to be able to reflect and discuss decisions and match incidents

All part of the learning

Thanks again
Temperature of the game should never be a consideration when talking about violent offences.

@boblardo I'm going to take this one from another angle. Not a criticism but a clarification, because if you're saying what I think you might be then what you did may be understandable.

What do you mean by raising the temperature here? Did you feel at risk, or threatened in any way? Some will say that if so there are grounds for abandonment, but the urge for self-preservation can often take over.

I ask, because I had something similar in my second season. Teams had played each other in the final the year before and met in the opening round of the cup the following year. Nasty, nasty game I should never have been given - far too inexperienced. In extra time one player headbutted another. I allowed him to stay on with no sanction, out of fear. I thought I was next. It had happened the previous year. Totally wrong in law, but I acted in good conscience towards myself. I wanted to stay in one piece and get the hell out of there.

Was this a similar situation to what you found yourself in?
Adopting an aggressive attitude for me isn't the right offence even if you're going for a caution. For me AA is without action. Their attitude is aggressive, not their actions. Once their actions become aggressive then you're moving up.
Two players square up.....their attitude is aggressive and so is their action.

Yellow cards all round. No need to step it up.

Move along
@boblardo I'm going to take this one from another angle. Not a criticism but a clarification, because if you're saying what I think you might be then what you did may be understandable.

What do you mean by raising the temperature here? Did you feel at risk, or threatened in any way? Some will say that if so there are grounds for abandonment, but the urge for self-preservation can often take over.

Was this a similar situation to what you found yourself in?

@Tealeaf - this wasn't a game where the threat of physical violence towards the referee or each other was ever going to materialise and at 6'4 and around 18st its very rare that I do feel at risk or threatened.

Most of the players were fine but there were a couple on each team who are clearly better at moaning than they are at football. It was one of those games that pushes your game management skills to the absolute limit

I have been refereeing since August, I've done a lot of games and have applied the laws of the game to the best of my ability. I really do try to not give R&Y cards but sometimes its inevitable.

Oddly none of the players ever questioned the decision around the original foul or offence merely the sanction that should have been imposed an indirect freekick instead of a penalty, a RC rather than a YC!

There are times when the consequence of an action have to be considered and in this instance the gk "threw" the ball at the attacker, imagine you were bouncing the ball off of a child's head from 1 yard away. It was wrong, it looked ridiculous and a yellow card for his troubles seemed like most appropriate punishment.

The consequences of the action are not what you are sanctioning, it's the action itself.

Also, you should never step onto the pitch with the the desire not to issue cards...just deal with what is in front of you....if it's a card, give it. Don't worry about issuing cards....they are another tool to be used like the whistle and the flag.
In your first season it's certainly forgivable and it takes mistakes sometimes to learn.

Throwing a ball at a player in an aggressive manner should always be sanctioned with a red card for violent conduct but this experience probably means you'll do that next time

And the quicker you adapt your attitude with cards the quicker you'll enjoy the game. Yes we don't go out there to throw cards around but in your example it aounds as though an early yellow card would have given you a much easier game.

Give a warning if you want but don't let them do it again. You'll find the stupid players who after a warning mouth off 30 seconds later. That's an easy yellow card decision and by and large it shuts them up for the remainder

All these experiences teach you more than any coach ever could in a classroom. Forums like this are great for talking about it as you learn what to change and adapt to make your games more enjoyable and you a better ref