futsal 5s

andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
just completed a conversion course to futsal 5s with Devon FA, wondering if anyone else has had this opportunity and taken it up.

what a game i would not mind taking it up as a player.
A&H International
I wouldn't mind doing the course but I understand it costs £££ and I think I would struggle to find the time to do it.

What are the fees like??
im doing mine through uni so they are paying for it but they havent sorted it to go ahead yet as they are waiting for county.
speak to your own county, my county FA held a conversion course for free :D to qualified refs, and as we are qualified we jump from level 6
(equivalent to 11v11 level 9) to level 5 but we have got 3 leagues with potential of setting up another 2, the laws are the same in some respects but there are a few differences and my god is it fast. but as a ref you only really have a few short sharp sprints to do, and there will always be 2 refs in one game, awesome.
not really sure about the fees they have set up a small league during the winter months for the kids football and each ref is to get £20-30 for 3 -5 hours, i think it is worth it as each game is only 40 mins long and i would not mind doing 2 games for that.
we've been practising with a uni team where they play against each other, its been really good only thing whats annoying is constant IDFK meaning your arm goes up and down constantly
Always been intrigued by futsal. May have to check it out
i have my first game tomorrow night will let you know how it goes, it is rapidly expanding down in devon.