Fundamental Law Change


Lighting the darkest hour
Staff member
Something I was thinking about following comments from an assessor. A bit of fantasy footballing going on here. What fundamental law change could you see happening that would affect the game at all levels?

I'm not including video technology here as that will only apply to the higher reaches of the game. Thinking back, the last fundamental changes were in the 90's when throw-ins could no longer be handled by the 'keeper and a goal could be scored from a kick-off. However the most fundamental change was the backpass law.

So make your fantasy change, post your reasons, and possible consequences below.
A&H International
For me a fundamental change would be ... Abolishing Indirect Free-kicks.

All free kicks become direct making for a more open game, with more goals and increasing the speed of the game. Suddenly a glorified clearance from offside becomes the catalyst for an easily launched attack. True, it could lead to a return of old-style long ball football, but conversely, if a team is expecting the aerial ball and players back off, a short pass could benefit the attacking team as a defender on his/her heels cannot make the challenge as easily.

Obviously if the 'keeper picks up a ball deliberately kicked to him by a teammate it becomes a penalty. It's rare that it happens anyway, but this would add a bit more to the game.

And from a slightly antagonistic point-of-view, what purpose do IDFKs really serve anyway? Where is the benefit to the side awarded it?
I too would have said get rid of indirect free kicks. That was my immediate thought. I'll have a think and come up with something else
Do I dare say it?
A.................... Sinbin?

I'm sure the players would appreciate it more, could save them a tenner.

My worry would be overuse by officials, and how to easily monitor all players in the sinbin.
I have always liked the idea of moving free kicks forwards 10 yards for dissent or failing to respect the 10 yard distance (as they do in Rugby Union). I wonder if this would help cut out the backchat at all.

I would also be interested to see the results of an experiment to remove the offside law altogether. No idea if this is a good idea or not, but would be interesting to see how the game would change.
God could you imagine the game without the offside law :eek: It would be like playing football in the playground again with 10 people standing in the box taking shots and one not so good player stood twenty yards back the other way 'in goal' hahah
Agreed Andy. Understand it at higher levels and the more important matches (FA Cup, Vase etc) but not youth or parks football. I've done it on two youth games this year and on both got stares lol not even going to attempt Sunday league mens or even Saturdays .
Why do a respect handshake before they go out and swear at us and kick crap outta each other lol
We are expected to do the respect handshake before every game here in Worcestershire. I have never had a problem getting the two teams to take part (even in bitterly cold and wet weather when they just want to get on with the game).

Does it improve player behaviour? Maybe, maybe not.
Agree with everything said here. Not a single comment that I would disagree with...

... except for abolishing the offside law. However, I would go back to the oldden days. Sod 'speeding the game up', change the offside law to:

''It IS AN OFFENCE to stand in an offside position in the opponent's half of the pitch. A direct free-kick will be awarded from the place where the offending player was at the time of the offence. NO advantage will be played on the offside law under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.''

Can't stand all this interfearing or not.