Fulham vs Wolves

It is annoying, but clear and obvious was never intended to apply to offside. Offside is black and white, you are on or off, you will almost never be exactly level. I keep coming back to the fact that clubs, players, even supporters, wanted this, but now they don't want it because they don't like it. There were complaints about goals when players were centimetres on or offside, take away VAR those complaints would just come back. I don't really see an easy solution to this.

This was the fundamental error. I get that, in theory, offside is black and white. However, using technology to determine the offside will result in the actual three outcomes of a video review - Call confirmed (evidence conclusively shows the on-field call is right), call reversed (evidence conclusively shows the on-field call is incorrect), and call on the field stands (the video evidence does not clearly indicate the call was correct of incorrect).

Where the implementation of VAR has failed regarding offside was that the powers that be felt you could only have the first two of the options for offside. That's simply not correct in reality. Because referees will not draw the lines or mark the point of first contact with 100% accuracy and precision 100% of the time, the technology cannot get to "call confirmed" vs "call reversed" on every single occasion. The problem is that the organizations set the expectations too high, so here we are.

Had they accepted that "call on the field stands" was an option for an offside review, we would be in a MUCH better place with the acceptance of VAR.
A&H International
Does anywhere else use the lines, or is it just in England?

Genuinely curious as I expect FIFA would have to approve their use (or sanction it anyway).

Camt help wondering if this is a twin approach, that the evidence will be considered and a final decision made that all will use lines, or none will.

Saw similar last season with use/non use of the monitor.

I see a pattern...