Fox 40 Sonic Blast

It is a little more shrill. The skill with it is varying tone with it which some struggle with. Once you nail that your laughing.
A&H International
It is a little more shrill. The skill with it is varying tone with it which some struggle with. Once you nail that your laughing.
I'll have a play with it properly tomorrow... My flat mates will hate me lol
Used my new 40 classic this weekend. Must say it's loud, really freaking loud. I need to have a play around as currently I can only get stupidly loud from it. So those times you just want a casual sound for a throw or something I'm still getting a mega loud blast. On a plus point being so loud whenever you blow everyone turns round as sounds like you're blowing to signal the end of the world!

I did have a couple of lads have a bit of handbags yesterday, strong challenge, player gets up and shoved the other one, I spotted it and gave a blast on the fox and stopped both of them in their tracks which was good.
pretty much the same as a fox 40 classic takes. practice tongue blocking the hole. and i agree players might say the never heard the whistle, never believed that. but they sure wont say that about the blast lol. hary from refsworld australia does a very good educational clip on you tube about varying sounds from whistles have a look at that
Used my new 40 classic this weekend. Must say it's loud, really freaking loud. I need to have a play around as currently I can only get stupidly loud from it. So those times you just want a casual sound for a throw or something I'm still getting a mega loud blast. On a plus point being so loud whenever you blow everyone turns round as sounds like you're blowing to signal the end of the world!

I did have a couple of lads have a bit of handbags yesterday, strong challenge, player gets up and shoved the other one, I spotted it and gave a blast on the fox and stopped both of them in their tracks which was good.
you cant thump somebody with your hands over your ears lol
@jofusref mate it wasn't hands over the ears, everyone was rolling around on the floor bleeding from the ears. Me included!

I was using a Thunderer before. But must say the fox is much nicer being plastic, was noticeably lighter and more comfortable on my wrist.
Used my new 40 classic this weekend. Must say it's loud, really freaking loud. I need to have a play around as currently I can only get stupidly loud from it. So those times you just want a casual sound for a throw or something I'm still getting a mega loud blast. On a plus point being so loud whenever you blow everyone turns round as sounds like you're blowing to signal the end of the world!

I did have a couple of lads have a bit of handbags yesterday, strong challenge, player gets up and shoved the other one, I spotted it and gave a blast on the fox and stopped both of them in their tracks which was good.
i miss read your post i thought you meant a fox 40 blast thats even louder than the fox 40 classic, i cant believe people other than egg chasing referees still use metal whistles, oh dear
just needs practice block the mouth peice with your tongue get a good lungfull of air take the tongue off and on the mouth hole takes a bit of time but you will soon master it

Should do that with every whistle. A pet hate of mine is listening to referees that don't do that!

and whatever you do dont touch the fox pearl an abonination of a whistle. if you can call it a whistle
I used to like that one when I was refereeing U/8 and U/9 on the smaller pitch. The Classic was just overkill for those games, the Pearl was much more appropriate.

I don't like the Cushioned Mouth Grip ones, in front of the cushioning is hard plastic, just makes the opening much wider and i keep hitting that plastic on my teeth.
There is nothing wrong with a pea whistle but I prefer the sound of the classic mini and valkeen as my weapons of choice I'll use my thunderer 660 for mini soccer
Should do that with every whistle. A pet hate of mine is listening to referees that don't do that!

I used to like that one when I was refereeing U/8 and U/9 on the smaller pitch. The Classic was just overkill for those games, the Pearl was much more appropriate.

I don't like the Cushioned Mouth Grip ones, in front of the cushioning is hard plastic, just makes the opening much wider and i keep hitting that plastic on my teeth.
Ahh really?? I love the CMG!!

And my sonic is very nice now I've got used to it... Prefer the classic but have used the blast a couple of times for handbags
There is nothing wrong with a pea whistle

I disagree, it doesn't produce a sound that football players and spectators are used to and it's almost impossible to modulate your whistling.
But anyway I was actually talking about football refs whistling like rugby refs with a fox :D
That's why I only use a thunderer for mini soccer especially because it morning football but anything else a pealess whistle is much better
I cannot do the tongue technique but I can still get a good sound from the whistle
If you can say the word 'toot', then you can do the tongue technique - becase that's all you're doing, using the tongue on the roof of your mouth. Literally acting exactly like you're saying 'toot'
Should do that with every whistle. A pet hate of mine is listening to referees that don't do that!

I used to like that one when I was refereeing U/8 and U/9 on the smaller pitch. The Classic was just overkill for those games, the Pearl was much more appropriate.

I don't like the Cushioned Mouth Grip ones, in front of the cushioning is hard plastic, just makes the opening much wider and i keep hitting that plastic on my teeth.
i hate the fox pearl