Fourth Offical

A&H International
Best thing to do is ask the ref what he wants you to do, other than that control the benches/subs and make a note of and yellow/red cards/goals. Remember to smile and enjoy yourself ;)
You are there as part of the officiating team. You may feel at times that its best to say ''yes the ref was wrong there'' etc, but you must never do that!
Smile, remain calm all the time, ask, tell, expel, and try to forge a positive relationship with the technical area occupants early on. Determine who the conciliators will be and who the troublemakers will be early on and use that to your advantage.
You are there as part of the officiating team. You may feel at times that its best to say ''yes the ref was wrong there'' etc, but you must never do that!

More to this point: "It's difficult to say, coach, because our angles are so tremendously different. What I can say from my angle is that your behaviour is getting tremendously close of irresponsible so you should calm down before I have to take action." is a great quote.