Junior/Youth Foul throws in youth football

A&H International
the lotg dont allow for a retake of a foul throw.

either let it go or penalise.

with proactive shouts or helpful encouragmenf obv,

This plus, what age to card at come up weekly.

the answer to this one though is in the book,
the lotg dont allow for a retake of a foul throw.

either let it go or penalise.

with proactive shouts or helpful encouragmenf obv,

This plus, what age to card at come up weekly.

the answer to this one though is in the book,
in the FA handbook for youth football it does advise a retake at referee's discretion, just doesn't specify which age groups

Ok thank you!
A youth league I ref in has re-takes permitted until U11. This is the same point that they go to 9v9, retreat on goalkicks stops and offside/indirect FKs are introduced.
I did an U13 girls the other. My daughter plays in the same age group so I know that throw ins can be a bit dubious at times. I spoke to both coaches at the start and we agreed we'd allow 1 retake then turn over. They were keen for the girls to get better rather than be punished. We also agreed that for that to happen the retake was to be taken by the same player.

There were probably only 2 or 3 retakes in the game - mostly foot up.
Under 10s and below i tell them why throw 1 was wrong and they get a second go. If the 2nd is wrong i award throw in to the other team.

Under 11s and above straight to the other team.