Foul throw awarded in MLS


RefChat Addict


The type of throw that has players screaming "foul throw"
The type of throw that I was penalised for as a player many times.
Where does the idea that this is a FT come from?
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A&H International
The website wont let me upload a video starting at the right time like I attempted
Your original post suggests you don't consdier this a foul throw and I would agree with you. There is perhaps a suggestion of a slight delay in the throwing action which would mean that the ball is not delivered from behind the head but for me it's just a neat little throw to his team mate. However, given the direction the ball bounces off the advertising board before the player picks it up I wonder whether the throw was taken from where the ball went out of play?
When I get a call for a foul throw that looks like that one in the clip I just tell the players it was a terrible throw or ask them to tell me why it was taken incorrectly. Nothing wrong with that one except the action wasn't smooth and continuous. It's just a means of getting the ball back into play.
The only thing he did was not have a 'follow-through' with his arms after releasing the ball.
It's the sort of throw that at any level will have players screaming for it, but I can't see what was done wrong.
But there's probably a point where this type of throw does become foul...eg when he practically drops the ball a couple of cards in front, or some such, so there's a point where spirit of the law comes into it as well. Just highlighting discussion.
I watched the whole 6 minutes. I would like to see a prem weekend like that with all the big decisions. There were some poor ones in there. And some even worse penalties. Nothing wrong with the throw IMHO