Foot pain....


The Persecuted One
Just done 2 games today....now have a lot of pain down the outside of my right foot...

No swelling that I can see......have iced it but it's still very painful to walk on.

Anyone else experienced similar?
A&H International
Not down the outside. I have had it under the arch. Currently resting a strained calf after too much effort this week (3 gym sessions on the treadmill, on my feet yesterday for 8 hours on a new refs course and then a Sunday League game today).
See a physio for a proper diagnosis but it could be a problem with the calf. Make sure that you stretch the calf properly before a game (and after, too). I had a similar problem and it was explained to me that the muscles and ligaments were too short between the back of the calf, the achilles and the foot. This had changed the angle of my foot (very slightly) and placed more strain on the muscles and ligaments in the foot (they were having to work hard to maintain shape). I did stretch exercises twice daily for a few weeks to alleviate.

Incidentally, have you changed anything recently? New car, job, walk to work instead of drive (vice versa), new sofa, different work chair/desk etc? Sometimes, these things can have an impact on the body which we don't imagine.

Just a thought but as I say, see a physio.
I've had similar problem with top of foot since coming back from holiday a few weeks ago , I put it down to too many long walks and some sprints on the beach.

Did clear up but not completely back to normal just yet - did AR duties yesterday without any pain, but just been for a walk at work and it seems worse again - very odd.

Only one thing I can tell you, is that I had a TINY fracture once on top/side of foot and it was the most painful thing in the world - so unless you are in agony, very surprised if you have broken anything!
I'm beginning to wonder about a stress fracture.....just been shopping and was struggling to put weight on it by the time I got home.

Just iced it and it is less painful, will see how the next 24 hrs go.....working nights this week so a chance to rest it...
Could be, but believe me, you could barely see my fracture on X ray but I couldn't put any weight on for a week and it was painful for 4 - 6 weeks, so hopefully its not that.