Foot Injury Advice


Next Weeks Ref
Had some pain start about 12 hours after Sundays game. Its got progressively worse up to now and I can now not walk without wincing in pain..

The pain is essentially running down the side of my foot, where the bottom skin and outside side skin of foot meet, down that ridge

I haven't got time to go to Hosp and wait 5 hours just to be signed in so wondered if anyone had any ideas?

Its sort of a sharp pain running down side and bottom of outside of my left foot, right down the hard bit on flank

Long shot but anyone had same?
A&H International
Ice it for 20 mins per hour for 6 hours and then repeat the following day. Try and keep weight off it for 24 hours
Sounds like it could be a trapped nerve?

As Dan says, ice it and try to keep the weight of it as much as possible.
Just pulled it again and felt a gristly type grinding jolt in the flesh down the side of foot then a burst of pain :S
Bad news, you need to see someone who knows their onions. Sports physio might be a good idea? I have little faith in gps and a+e tend to be very unhelpful in this sort of injury "go home, do nothing, it'll heal itself" being my most heard advice.
Does this picture help you locate the rough area?

Let me know if you need another picture, I couldn't really visualise where you were on about.....


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Yes it is right where the two tendons meet the bond nearest to you in that shot mate

Haven't bothered with A&E as feel a 5 hour wait for "its tissue damage, try ice" will be a waste of time!
No, on the foot, literally half way along bottom of foot, where that bone stops and the two tendons shoot off it
Won't let me add any more images, do you want to PM your email address and I'll send 2 more images?

Can you pinpoint it to one or the other of the muscles/tendons or is it more general?

It's at this juncture referring to Dan's advice is prudent. At the end of the day if it's muscle or tissue related you have to follow the RICE procedure, if you think it may be down to the 5th metatarsal (bone) you're going to have to suck it up and wait 12 hours in A&E.

At least the Christmas break is in your favour to get it right before your next game!
It's almost certainly a tendon issue, hopefully not metatarsal. Can't pinpoint pain as its all over that area

Thanks mate