

Well-Known Member
I've got a game tomorrow on a pitch that is notorious for being waterlogged but at the moment is playable. However, having a quick look at the weather forecast there is fog expected right in the middle of the game. How bad does it have to get before you consider abandoning? When you can no longer see the whole park?
A&H International
I assume you mean the whole FOP rather than the entire park? Just kidding

In the past I've always looked side-to-side Micky, my logic being that if my linesmen (showing my age) club or otherwise can't clearly identify one player from another colours wise on the far opposite touchline, visibility has afforded us all a risk of a farce if offside cannot be seen or judged, thick fog can make life monochrome

Other referees will have their own benchmarks I'm sure, but for me this has always been a good one that is accepted by players if and when you need to take them off.

I don't know where you live, is it coastal? I just wondered if fog there disappears as quickly as it rolls in? I remember lining at Canvey Island years ago when a mist rolled in, thick as, with a change of wind it vanished just as quickly, only took a few minutes, unlike the morning ground fog we get here that's in all day

Good topical subject, especially after all this flooding, bound to get fog as it dries out...........IF it dries out!
I'm the centre if Glasgow but the game is in a totally hilly area so when it comes it is normally fairly bad but it is only forecast for 1 hour. We don't have assistants at all, not even club appointed ones so it basically just me on my own.
I remember those early games of mine!! Blimey I must've been fit, running about like a March hare haha

Totally your call then mate, they're difficult enough without mother nature chipping in! Taking into account you'll probably be running a shallow diagonal*, the formula still works for you, if you're having any difficulty identifying players anywhere on the FOP (in case of mischief in the fog) you might be wiser not starting/not continuing. If it's expected to lift, perhaps think about just suspending play? see if it'll clear, dependant on time or other games perhaps following of course

You may well have 30-40 meters visibility from wherever you are at any given moment, but keep asking yourself 'can I now see the whole FOP?' I don't think I'd be comfortable trying to control players/officers I can't actually see Micky.

Even money at the bookies (not that I endorce betting) that at least one player'll shout 'Even the ref says he can't see!'

*Working on my own, no linesmen, I found it a good idea to patrol the area within the width of the penalty area when possible, and only as far as the front edge of each at both ends, so limiting runs I made to the touchline and goal lines to 'absolutely essential I'm here' only, just to save on my energy/stamina. You do drift as the ball travels one way or another, most throw/gk/corner decisions you'll pretty much be in a 'credible' position anyway, as you run straight rather than off to one side each end. The line where you'd expect your linesman to be normally you can still drift towards, it'll mean you 'looking' at offsides from both sides of the FOP if you get it off to an art, as long as the players are all in your view.

You can't guarantee being dead right position wise for offside, but it'll demonstrate to the players that you're very much making an effort mate. Years ago we were taught to run left and right wings as linesmen, so a lot of us practised running the 'wrong' diagonal in the middle. Having done loads of games on my own in my early days, it worked to my advantage. I don't think they encourage swapping diagonals any more, but in the first minute of the 2nd half a full back would say 'What you doing over here Ref?' I'd wink and say 'Keeping a closer eye on you', they always laughed......luckily!
Just been informed that my game today is off due to frozen and snowed over pitch. Was quite looking forward to the game today, but I've been given my first u15's game for next weekend which I'm looking forward to doing since I've only refereed younger ages.
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Well with fog it's if you can't see the pitch from one end to the other then that's when you think to call it off or if the fog lifts on time