First West Midlands regional league middle first assessment

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Hi all being assessed tomorrow now I've got my plan more less set out both teams mid table. Now on one of the benches is a manager who is a ex referee I had a run in on my second season now instead of setting the example for his team he tends to be one of the biggest moaners out there now over last 2 seasons I've ran the line to his team now there good bunch of lads but have there moments with being assessed as except for doing your normal game is there any more advice you can give me
A&H International
I'm not 100% sure on what your expected competencies are (perhaps you should have a google and find out!) but you've got to get the mandatory stuff right (@lincs22 will tell you i'm being pretty hypocritical there...!) especially where cautions come in, dissent by action (kicking the ball away), deliberate handball offences etc. as they're easy marks to drop.
When it comes to the manager specifically, the assessor will want to clearly see you (or your senior NAR if you have one) deal with any 'input' from the bench that it is out of line. Basically, as soon as he oversteps the mark he needs to be politely warned about his behaviour. If he carries on, then assertively told to stop or he'll be removed. And then any more issues and he's history! Obviously, as with the players, this 'stepped approach' is only applicable for 'normal' situations. If his comments are ridiculously offensive then binning him straight away is fine :). Good luck
Ask, tell, remove. That's the mantra for dealing with problematic technical areas.

Personally I would be briefing my ARs that if they are calling me over to the technical area it's only to get rid of someone, I wouldn't expect to be called over to be warning someone, that's their responsibility.

Make sure you have a good brief for your NARs if you have them.

Referee your normal game, not what you think the assessor wants to see.....it will be glaringly obvious if you start changing things just because you are being assessed.
Don't be soft on the manager - if the assesor thinks you should have warned him or sent him away and you fail to do so, that'll reflect badly in your match control marks. As the others have said, step it up gradually, but don't leave the first intervention too late and make it clear you're keeping an eye on him.
Ask, tell, remove. That's the mantra for dealing with problematic technical areas.

Personally I would be briefing my ARs that if they are calling me over to the technical area it's only to get rid of someone, I wouldn't expect to be called over to be warning someone, that's their responsibility.

Make sure you have a good brief for your NARs if you have them.

Referee your normal game, not what you think the assessor wants to see.....it will be glaringly obvious if you start changing things just because you are being assessed.

Your 2nd paragraph is exactly what I've been told on all my games as AR this season.