Junior/Youth first red card and do realise when you have a red

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Well today I had my first red of the season felt bit sorry for the player thou but it had to be done. anyway 10 mins into second half yellow are attacking looking for come back as they losing 0-2 at half time so they have now scored 2 goals and are looking for there 3rd to come back but just as a shot is hit towards goal white goal keeper saves then it's going towards goal but white defender then comes to his left but then ball hits him on wrist and because of it I am then having to blow pen and red now after this I start to realise that away players are giving me dissent but not a lot to be carded but I'm wandering if it not just me when you give straight red your match control starts to disappear. Does anyone feel same.
A&H International
Your match control doesn't disappear, the players discipline does as frustration sets in. I had a match last season where I gave 1 red and then 3-4 mins later gave another!
Your match control doesn't disappear, the players discipline does as frustration sets in. I had a match last season where I gave 1 red and then 3-4 mins later gave another!
Great point Aled. I had a really grim game this weekend and your point applied well to my situation, though I allowed myself to be dragged down by their lack of discipline.
If I follow what you have written it was DOGSO by hand ball?

If so, it's a mandatory red and players know it. As Aled said, sounds like their level of sportsmanship and discipline started to disappear due to frustration. If there is lots of snippy comments a quick public word with the captain expressing understanding of their frustration but also letting him know that your patience is being tested can sometimes help.
I had my first red card in a cup game earlier the season and gave around 5 free kicks in the next 2 minutes, definitely the players discipline that disappears
I know it makes no difference because you have to issue a red card regardless, but out of interest, which age group was it?
But it what he did first before it hit his arm that spelled it by stepping to left he med himself bigger
There has to be 'a deliberate movement of the arm towards the ball' rather than 'deliberate hand ball' - there is a subtle difference.

Movement of the arm into the path of the ball, which is then struck by the ball is hand ball - DFK. Deliberately handling the ball is DFK & YC. If either of those deny an obvious goal scoring opportunity, and in the penalty area, then it's Red and Penalty.

EDIT: I shouldalso add that if tehe arm is in 'an unnatural position' (ie: not hanging loosely by the sides) and the defender has a chance to move it out of the way, but doesn't, this should also be interpreted as 'deliberate movement of the hand toward the ball'. He didn't put his arm there with the intention of handling the ball (deliberate hand ball), but chose not to move it out of the way.
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There has to be 'a deliberate movement of the arm towards the ball' rather than 'deliberate hand ball' - there is a subtle difference.

Movement of the arm into the path of the ball, which is then struck by the ball is hand ball - DFK. Deliberately handling the ball is DFK & YC. If either of those deny an obvious goal scoring opportunity, and in the penalty area, then it's Red and Penalty.

EDIT: I shouldalso add that if tehe arm is in 'an unnatural position' (ie: not hanging loosely by the sides) and the defender has a chance to move it out of the way, but doesn't, this should also be interpreted as 'deliberate movement of the hand toward the ball'. He didn't put his arm there with the intention of handling the ball (deliberate hand ball), but chose not to move it out of the way.
That's the best way to explain it. I will add that if it's part of his natural motion where his arm is (e.g getting up of the floor or part of a slide) I wouldn't blow up then either