The Ref Stop

First Postponement Of The Season!

What I have heard is that DCMS are discussing with the FA around potentially allowing youth football, that's why there hasn't been any kind of announcement. But with adult football their foot is firmly down and that won't be happening until after 2nd December. Caveat all of that with I'm not exactly in the know and don't have privileged information.

There's also been a lot of representation from amateur golf and tennis associations and the government aren't moving on that, so I would be amazed if any leeway was given on grass roots football, adult or junior. If sports with a maximum of 4 people who spend most of the time large distances apart from each other are deemed unsafe, there is surely no chance for football.
The Ref Stop
What I have heard is that DCMS are discussing with the FA around potentially allowing youth football, that's why there hasn't been any kind of announcement. But with adult football their foot is firmly down and that won't be happening until after 2nd December. Caveat all of that with I'm not exactly in the know and don't have privileged information.

There's also been a lot of representation from amateur golf and tennis associations and the government aren't moving on that, so I would be amazed if any leeway was given on grass roots football, adult or junior. If sports with a maximum of 4 people who spend most of the time large distances apart from each other are deemed unsafe, there is surely no chance for football.
I’ve heard opposite nothing below U15 so only players and officials attend I am also a decent / Elite level athlete in athletics and know similar talks happening there.
I'm agreeing with @RustyRef
FA Cup games will go ahead under strict 'Elite Rules', but the rest of adult footy is off
I can't see the point in allowing kids games. That would be a rule similar to the 10pm closing time thing. Dreamt up by admins who have no clue.
More people turn up for kids footie that the adult equivalent. All stood side-by-side shouting Covid aerosol at the ref
I can't see the point in allowing kids games. That would be a rule similar to the 10pm closing time thing. Dreamt up by admins who have no clue.
More people turn up for kids footie that the adult equivalent. All stood side-by-side shouting Covid aerosol at the ref
I can see where you’re coming from, however that’s the situation we’ve had up here for the last 5 weeks, with an u18 cut off. It’s frustrating for all those over 18, however most people have accepted it is better than nothing.
Oliver Dowden said yesterday that all amateur football must stop including adults and youth. Only exception appears to be school football. Steps 3-6 not confirmed yet but seems inevitable that they will be stopped too, especially as there won't be any spectators allowed even if it went ahead.

I hope it is just a month, but I'd be surprised.
Just got an U18s County Cup middle rescheduled for mid Dec.
and why does this always happen?

I only had two fixtures in Dec, as mentioned, and guess what, the County Cup rearranged tie clashes with one of them.

I really don't mind which one I do, so asked the County appointments officer to let me know which one he wants me to come off!

I know it could all be totally academic, but as I'm not doing much else, I may as well get it sorted now!
With the noises being made by medics and officials at the moment about the tier systems needing to be much stronger post lockdown, and the death numbers keeping on rising, I have real doubts that football will be returning any time soon.
With the noises being made by medics and officials at the moment about the tier systems needing to be much stronger post lockdown, and the death numbers keeping on rising, I have real doubts that football will be returning any time soon.
You're not being pessimistic again now... are you?
I've heard there'll be 52000 Geordies back in St James by the time Villa come to town on the 12th. Assuming they've all had a couple of Pfizers
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The idea of fans back at EPL and EFL matches before the vaccine is wide spread is farcical. It is just trying to keep MPs and fans happy.

Given the talk about the lifting of restrictions for Christmas, we may be sacrificing matches mid Dec to end of January.

And how will it work with everyone travelling all over the country to see family, and possible spread COVID to family who have been staying very safe.
Yes you could well be correct. I was a little surprised that County had rescheduled so soon.

The advice from the appointments officer was wait and see, not only for the reasons you state, but also that the original fixture list on which one of my appointments is for may well be changed, IF there is a return in December - which like you, I think has to be doubtful.
The idea of fans back at EPL and EFL matches before the vaccine is wide spread is farcical. It is just trying to keep MPs and fans happy.

Given the talk about the lifting of restrictions for Christmas, we may be sacrificing matches mid Dec to end of January.

And how will it work with everyone travelling all over the country to see family, and possible spread COVID to family who have been staying very safe.
Never sure how the some clubs can have fans back and some can't, can work in any case.

Two big questions for me - one medical, 1 football

How can you fairly say that some teams in a competition can play home games with fans, while some can not?

There is talking of basing the decision on Tiers - but where the club is, is only one factor - fans, match officials, team officials, staff, press, TV, players won't all come from the 'tier area' the club is in?

I agree with you, pure guesswork obviously, but the carrot will be 3 days 'off' for Christmas, with the stick being restrictions pretty much as they are now until then.
Can only go off some info from friends in the media but from what I was told a condition for 2nd Lockdown from NHS Mental Health was to allow Grassroots Sport and they are very upset on the backtrack so I’m thinking that games could be back ASAP.
Just had an academy game come through for Sunday - first time I'll have been anywhere other than the supermarket for almost 3 weeks so can't wait for that!