Open Age First match with appointed assistants

Ref Luke 2203

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I have my first match coming up with appointed assistants. Excited with the step up but unsure of how to approach the differences with me being used to CARs. Any advice on prematch talk, warm up, in game such as positioning and alike all appreciated. Been AR to many refs, some better than others so have learnt off them. Always different doing it yourself for the first time though.
A&H International
Congrats on the appointment!

Best advice is keep it simple, concise and coherent.

Break it down into segments
Pre match

Confirm who is senior and junior and what you want from each of them (full match record for senior and eyes and ears or goals from junior).
Talk to senior on how you want subs and benches managed.
Kit checks, tell them what you want re sock tape, undershirts etc.
Handshake- break check nets and come back in to witness toss.

In game:
Cover offside
Cover throw ins and areas of credibility and what to do if you cross
Free kicks and your tolerance levels ref little fouls that you may or may not choose to give
Penalty situations - (usually I'm giving it, I'm not giving it or I'm looking at you for help)
What you want if they observe misconduct player number, what they did/said and what you would recommend as a sanction
Mass confrontation
Find out how experienced they are in being an AR. I give slightly more basic instructions (e.g. follow the ball to goal line) for less experienced AR's. For more experienced I just say get the basics right and then get on to less basic ones.

Read the section at the back of the book for team work. It also gives you some ideas for instructions.

If you have AR'ed before and were given instruction, note down the ones you were given and could helpful / useful and use them as the basis for your own instruction.