First match on Sunday

Adam Smith

New Member
Just been given a match to referee on Sunday, what do I have to do before the match, I remember that I got told to email a club secretary but what do I put in the email?
Also I am planning to turn up about 30 minutes before kick off is this about right, it is a u12s match if that makes a difference?
A&H International
generally speaking, in leagues i referee on, club has to contact ref by wed for sat, thurs for sunday to confirm the details for the game. you also need to let them know what your travel expenses will be, if applicable

if clubs haven't contacted us by wed/thurs, we contact league fixtures secretary to let them know and they then chase up the club

personally i aim to turn up a minimum of 45 minutes before a game but league rules, leagues i ref on, generally stipulate 30 minute minimum

good luck with your game - hope it goes ahead
Hi Adam, if you have to contact a club secretary, I'd be saying something along the lines of:
Hi Dave
I am down to ref your game against Non-League United on this Sunday, 12th Jan. Can I confirm where you play and what time you kick off etc?
Thanks very much

I know it sounds very simple, but that is probably fine for under 12s, it's what I usually say if a club hasn't contacted me. As for what time to turn up, I usually aim to get to the ground about 20-25 minutes before kick off, gives you time to do pitch inspection, find ARs etc, but not too much time that you find yourself standing around like a lemon! Yep, if applicable in your league, mention travel expenses (X miles @ £0.Xp per mile)
not sure that i've ever stood around like a lemon, Mike

i do bring g & t for half time, mind
We have to contact the managers of the home team in hull, it is quicker and easier than going through the secretary around here because the secretaries often don't know the details of the junior teams (ie.KO times), if we can't get hold of the home team we contact the away team to confirm the details. I personally wouldn't get the fixtures secretary involved over something like this, unless I couldn't get hold of either of the teams, but I can see that that is the way you guys do it down south.

I'm usually there 30 mins before KO which leaves me with plenty of time yo do my pre match routine, I'll warn you that if you get there any earlier than that you may be the first one there! :)

Before the match this is the order I do things:
Introduce myself to the home manager, check time each way (in case they have decided to reduce it)
Pitch inspection (looking for anything dangerous, sharp objects or trenches in the pitch)
Check nets (don't worry if things like the penalty mark aren't marked out, so long as the main lines are ok)
Then talk to both teams, check their equipment
Take my payment and get the match ball/s from the home team
Find 2 CAR's, one from home team one from away, give the flags to the managers and ask them to get one for you (normally more volunteers than you asking yourself), only get them to do ins and outs, most don't know the offside rule.
Then warm up with about 10 mins to KO
Get ready, put cards in pocket, get whistle, etc.
Blow my whistle 5 mins to KO to gather the teams
Coin Toss
Off we go.

A word of advice, don't be very picky saying "oh there's no centre spot, or corner arcs" because there's probably nothing they can do about it on the day, just make do with it. I once reffed a match without goal areas :confused:.

Good luck enjoy it, have fun and remember it's your first game but no one else needs to know that, you will make mistakes but it's not the World Cup final (yet!), if you realise your mistake at the time don't be afraid to correct yourself if you haven't restarted play again and just say you got it wrong, you're only human (I hope).

Let us know how you get on or if you have any other queries/problems. :D
When I check the player's equipment for U12's I would also say something along the lines of:
" morning guys I'm * insert first name* I'll be the ref today before we start I just want to check has everyone got shin pads on, (reply yes) I'm guessing you're a bit young for earrings or jewelry but has anyone got anything like that on (reply silence, or some smart a*se trying to be funny) main thing, play to my whistle, sometimes I will try and play advantage or I might have missed something but what ever you do don't stop until you hear the whistle. If you have any problems with why I have given something, because you don't know the rule, then ask me, I am here to help, but don't shout at me from 20 yards away saying what was that for ref. Good luck, fun and we'll KO in about *insert time to KO* (mainly for coaches benefit)."

Then after that the kids know you, you should come across as a friendly ref who knows what he is doing and is confident from the start.

What county are you at?
One thing we try and do when the situation arises, is talk to the teams after the game as well:

"Thanks for the game guys, I really enjoyed that and that's down to you players making it an easy game to ref. Now, if there were any decisions or things I did that you didn't understand, feel free to ask me now and I will explain what I did and why."

I find this really helps get the coaches on your side for the future.
30 minutes is plenty of time - don't get there too early or you'll be hanging around rather awkwardly, happened to me on my first game which was also U12. I usually get to the younger age games around 20-25 minutes before which gives me plenty of time for all the talks and checks etc