First Games Back Since the Slow Season

Hoosier Ref

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
I am soooo relieved that outdoor football (soccer) has resumed in full in the middle of the USA. I was excited to get back at it as I really enjoy refereeing especially when it is a competitive high level game and I know I have done a good job in the middle. I saw a separate post someone made about how they developed a reputation so I thought I would share my experience knocking the dust off. It had been three months since I last worked a game and was looking forward to this past Saturday when I had three midwest regional (high youth level) U19 and U16 games to work with two being centers. My first one out of the gate was a U16 center and I did a passable job but in hindsight wish I had called it a bit tighter on the contact to start the game. As a result of my allowing too many trifling fouls go uncalled, the temperature of the game was high. Both teams were playing in the same manner but a few players were getting a bit heated. I know better but made the mistake in this game of letting them play more due to their level but likely misread their tolerance level. As the eventual 1-0 game went on into the latter stages and the temperature increased, it was more of a challenge to keep it in check. Overall I did a passable job and there was no retaliation, escalation, player justice, or even cards for that matter but it was a reminder to me of some of the lessons I have learned in the past. My third game was a U19 center with two very good teams. It was well contested for the first half. After reflecting on what I did in the first game and observing a more senior CR in my second game, I called it tighter to start then everyone settled in once my tolerance was established. This allowed for fewer fouls in the long term and better game flow as the players self regulated. None of us are perfect and we all have good games and better games. The important thing is to reflect on our performance and strive to improve (always!). Overall a great day and good to get back on the pitch. I look forward to next weekend!
A&H International