Junior/Youth first game back for 11 months - busy game

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
I reffed my first game in 11 months today (still waiting for a knee op) and overall i was quite happy but there's always the benefit of hindsight. The under 15s ended 3-2 to the home team.

I have a question on a possible dogso situation.

The home keeper brings down the striker (tripped him) 3 or 4 yards outside the penalty area with 2 of his defenders behind him. They were about 8-10 yards away from the striker. At the point of impact the striker couldhave had shot at the goal (to the left or right of the two defenders) or lobbed the two defenders. But i instantly thought that's a yellow and that's what i gave but in hindsight could this be deemed as a dogso?

Incidentally the away keeper fouled the home striker (tripped again) in the last minute (in the penalty area so would have been a penalty and a red - i think) but the ball went to an attacker alone 6 yards out and he scored. I played advantage but in hindsight failed to go back and caution the keeper on that occasion. I was too busy congratulating myself on playing a dogso advantage!

I look forward to your views.
A&H International
Hi Kent Ref

I agree with the yellow card from what you've put on the first incident. For me that's not an absolutely nailed on goal scoring opportunity as the defenders could have blocked the shot. Also, if the keeper has attempted to tackle for the ball it's a yellow even if considered DOGSO, so i think you've made the right call.
Your decision in the first incident sounds correct based upon your description, particularly as there were 2 defending players between the goalkeeper and the goals.

Congratulations on a good advantage in the second incident - always a good feeling when this comes off.
Hi Kent Ref

I agree with the yellow card from what you've put on the first incident. For me that's not an absolutely nailed on goal scoring opportunity as the defenders could have blocked the shot. Also, if the keeper has attempted to tackle for the ball it's a yellow even if considered DOGSO, so i think you've made the right call.
It would only be a yellow for a DOGSO tackle inside the area where a penalty is awarded. Outside the area - as in this instance - it's a red whether there was a genuine attempt to play the ball or not.
It would only be a yellow for a DOGSO tackle inside the area where a penalty is awarded. Outside the area - as in this instance - it's a red whether there was a genuine attempt to play the ball or not.

So it is! I'm a new level 9 ref so appreciate that and will take it forward to my future games
I agree with your decision. Conventional application of the law is that 1 defender between the fouling player and the goal is DOGSO, but any more than that and it's no longer obvious.

By 'between' I mean either between, or able to intercept by the time the attacker is in shooting distance. Of course, shooting distance on a completely open goal is a lot further away than one with a defender (such as keeper) in front of it!