First Game Accomplished


Level 9 Referee
Completed my first game on Sunday in the HSFL division 6 clash. I had my mentor pitch side to give me any general advice prior to k/o & at h/t and a small briefing at f/t. For the record the game finished 3-3 with one penalty awarded and one yellow card shown. No issues with the penalty which was stone wall but the yellow card could of easily been red as the player who conceded the penalty looked directly at me and shouted " FCK OFF " when I blew and awarded the penalty. Should I of sent him off or the fact he had given a penalty away I aired on the side of leniency as he probably said what he said in frustration more then anything. My mentor said my positioning at corners wasn't the best and I failed to come to the touchline to oversee the substitutions and I also failed to spot tape on the socks wasn't matching, all things that will come together with more games I ref , all in all I personally thought I did well. :)
A&H International
Always good to get the first one out the way Rob

I think a penalty always brings a reaction due to the consequences involved , after the initial F..k Off ,( depending on how its said) ....if the player continues after this then he forces your hand , but to say what it warrants you really have to be there ..

As for the tape on socks situation , I personally think at grass roots level its very hard to follow through week after week

Im usually happy to see teams with matching kits on ,never mind matching tape !!!

But a 3 3 draw and a pen and a few cards is a nice start to it all

Just enjoy it and it will be May in the blink of an eye
Completed my first game on Sunday in the HSFL division 6 clash. I had my mentor pitch side to give me any general advice prior to k/o & at h/t and a small briefing at f/t. For the record the game finished 3-3 with one penalty awarded and one yellow card shown. No issues with the penalty which was stone wall but the yellow card could of easily been red as the player who conceded the penalty looked directly at me and shouted " FCK OFF " when I blew and awarded the penalty. Should I of sent him off or the fact he had given a penalty away I aired on the side of leniency as he probably said what he said in frustration more then anything. My mentor said my positioning at corners wasn't the best and I failed to come to the touchline to oversee the substitutions and I also failed to spot tape on the socks wasn't matching, all things that will come together with more games I ref , all in all I personally thought I did well. :)
Finally another one from hull joining the ranks. Glad it went well mate. Any problems PM me for information that shouldn't be put on a public forum and I'll be happy to help. What part of hull are you in, East or west?
Thanks for the offer HullRef , I will bear that in mind. From the best side , East
I think as referees we, rightly or wrongly, put more emphasis on the adhering to of certain laws. Tape and substitutions, mainly for those operating on their own, are two that can sometimes be overlooked. It's easy to have a quick word, even during play, to tell a player to remove tape but for substitutions, running over 50 yards from, say, a corner kick position to the halfway line to ensure a substitute only enters the field of play when his team mate has left is (in my opinion) unnecessary. For assessment purposes they want to see substitutions carried out properly but as long as you have a note of who came on and who went off I don't think anyone would begrudge you remaining in position in order to oversee the majority of players.
3 words. Last weeks ref.

Do it properly, as it is laid out in the LOTG. Especially for anyone thinking of promotion, make this stuff part of your routine early rather than waiting to be picked up on it by assessors and then trying to change your ways!

Players will moan, but will do as you ask if you stick to your guns.

"Last weeks ref didn't care about the tape ref!"

"I got bad news for you - this weeks ref does. And that earring and bracelet will need to come off also. Thank you."
Thanks for the offer HullRef , I will bear that in mind. From the best side , East
I only ask because there is an RA meeting on Thursday on Walton street, Mike Dean (premier league referee) will be there talking about his career if you are interested or available, it's free to get in too :)
Tape on the socks - the county f.a.'s need to get their ars@s into gear and ram this down the leagues' throats and get them to ram it down the clubs' throats and get them to ram it down the players' throats if they really want referees at grass roots level to consistently apply this quasi-ridiculous law

Hands up anyone who has allowed tape and then had a technical problem because of it during the game

Imho, of course ;)
I do agree it is ridiculous. I have no problem telling players that I agree with them that it is ridiculous. Still need to apply it though.
Only when you smell assessor......imho

If only referees who think it's daft sent emails to the powers that be and told them so they might begin to listen

Guilty as charged ;)
I would much rather a player have wrong tape than shin pads showing !!!! bugs me majorly !!!!! lol

Sm I agree 100% with the last weeks ref way of thinking .....but ........? ????????????????

When teams are having to play football on a ploughed field with some lines painted on it ...and the Fa call it a football pitch , and I have to tell a player that....

the correct colour tape should be hanging on the crossbar somewhere for him ??

Then to top it all the local council charge £60 for the field in question ??

I wont do it !!

At County level and above.... I agree totally

Grass roots , the Fa are taking the p... IMHO

Give people a standard to aspire to before setting them !!!!

Its a disgrace TBH

Sorry im Ranting again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:(
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This might be a daft question but what does the wearing of the same coloured tape on socks prevent ?. I understand the jewellery rule and things like that but this one about the tape is odd to say the least.
It came after European teams started having so much tape you couldn't see the sock!

So extra relevant to the uk!!!!
Thanks for that SuperMonkey , I knew it would be something sensible and worthwhile (not !)
a bit of googling suggests that, due to excessive taping of socks, it was sometimes difficult for an assistant referee to adjudge offside

so eminently sensible ruling, methinks, and could imagine some teams using it as a deliberate ploy

however, perhaps leaving it to the referee to decide what constitutes too much tape, on a sock by sock basis, would have been a more sensible approach than the one taken

my local branch of Staples may, however, disagree