First delve in to Adult Football

Reffed the police game this morning and it couldn't have been easier. That said one team turned up with only 9 men and the game was played in good spirits ending up 12-0 to the full squaded team. There was a bit of stick here and there but nothing too major. A couple of decisions to be made but no cards needed and a perfect way to start adult football. That said, I'm under no illusions. I know it's likely to get more tricky as I go on. Thanks for all the advice though!
A&H International
Reffed the police game this morning and it couldn't have been easier. That said one team turned up with only 9 men and the game was played in good spirits ending up 12-0 to the full squaded team. There was a bit of stick here and there but nothing too major. A couple of decisions to be made but no cards needed and a perfect way to start adult football. That said, I'm under no illusions. I know it's likely to get more tricky as I go on. Thanks for all the advice though!

Good man, got years & years ahead of you, you would have thought they could have knicked a player :) & made it 10 v 10
I didn't ignore your advice? I made a personal decision that paid off. No disrespect, but I enjoyed the game I did and had no issues. Tell me what I've done wrong there?
I always found that the difference between youth and adults football is adults use actions rather than words. Youth football I've dealt with some really gobby players but they are less physical.. Adults for me, tend to go by the 'let him know you're there' rule and hit opponents hard and late. How does the player then react? In exactly the same way!
I always found that the difference between youth and adults football is adults use actions rather than words. Youth football I've dealt with some really gobby players but they are less physical.. Adults for me, tend to go by the 'let him know you're there' rule and hit opponents hard and late. How does the player then react? In exactly the same way!
Funny - I get far more late hits in U14-15-16 than OA!