First Cup Match Tomorrow Morning


Level 4 Referee
Level 4 Referee
Under 16, QF.

Dreading it.

Any advice?

First u16 in the middle, first cup in my relatively short career.
A&H International
Make sure you know competition rules - if it ends a draw, what happens? Replay/extra time/penalties etc.

Other than that, stay calm and treat it like any other game!
Not sure there's anything to 'dread', unless you're planning on getting tanked up tonight
Great, thank you.

2-1 in normal time to the better team, after they went 1-0 up then 1-1, winning goal in the last 10 iirc.

Only one complaint from the winning manager that I didn't give a fk for an offence to his team, then gave one for the same offence to the oppo, but I was being as fair as I could, brutally honest I can't remember either foul, I just gave what I saw, as I saw it.

Other than that, both managers complimented me on the game, so I must've done something right.

Onto the next game!
Great, thank you.

2-1 in normal time to the better team, after they went 1-0 up then 1-1, winning goal in the last 10 iirc.

Only one complaint from the winning manager that I didn't give a fk for an offence to his team, then gave one for the same offence to the oppo, but I was being as fair as I could, brutally honest I can't remember either foul, I just gave what I saw, as I saw it.

Other than that, both managers complimented me on the game, so I must've done something right.

Onto the next game!
Well done onwards and upwards.
Thanks Mintyref.

I'm looking for my 100/100 from both managers again Richard Smith 😉