First assessment in the bag...

As an aside at 7-6 how do you get above the standard expected for application of law? as surely you either get it right or wrong.

What Russell said above. :)
It's also fair to say that you'd need a particular type of (difficult) match in which to be able to demonstrate your knowledge and ability in the AOL respect.
A hard-bitten, fiesty or ill tempered match would test you in this area (including your match control) possibly enough to warrant a mark "above standard expected" if you performed well and were technically correct in all decisions you made, whereas a straightforward, pleasantly played game with few fouls, no dissent or dramas is unlikely to attract anything other than "standard expected" (assuming you still got your basics right).
You can only referee what's in front of you mate and it's just down to the luck of the draw sometimes..... :)
A&H International
Thanks guys.

This assessment has left me feeling quite positive, as even though I felt I didn't have the best game the assessor obviously didn't think I did too badly, which is reassuring.

Having had a chance to sit down to read and digest the assessment fully the only serious point of concern was the dissent, but that is something which I will definitely be looking to address.

I admit I was surprised he mentioned the advantages as I didn't think I'd made the right choice in playing them rather than awarding the free kicksoftware after the match.

I also wasn't expecting my positioning and movement to be above the standard expected as I did get hit by the ball twice, one of which ended up in a goal (I was on the half way line).

Still onwards and upwards
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