The Ref Stop

First assessment done.


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Had my first assessment in senior football today! Just waiting for the assessor to send me the feedback
and I'll share it with you
The Ref Stop
Did he talk to you after the game? And who was it?

Lol two questions! One post!

Also I thought the promotion from 4b to 4a was automatic after a year at 4b?
Yes the assessor talked to me after the match and seemed happy at my performance even after giving a dodgy goal , can't remember his name though had too many players shaking hands with me and if you don't apply you don't go to 4A automatically I've been told.
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Hmmm - fair enough.

Sounds like a good assessment.Well done. Why did you think the goal was dodgy?

Assessors now have more of a coaching role rather than just marking. Would be interested to see how that translates into feedback and mark, if your happy to feedback that stuff to us that is?
Bounced off the bar, crossed the line got cleared and I awarded the goal.
I see. Players thought it was dodgy, not anybody else. Players always dispute anything which doesn't visibly rattle the net! As long as your in a credible postion to give the goal, then job done.

Was it your first senior game today also? Did I see you post that somewhere?
The assessment is back!
I don't know how the marks work but I got 7.5 (Don't know if that's good, bad or in-between, presuming the most you can get is 10.
The main points that popped up were;
Handled a serious head injury very well with correct restart of play.
Applied advantage very well throughout.
Critical decisions were correct.
Decisive in calls.
That's all the good stuff, now are the improvement points;
Avoid conversation with club officials.
Talk to players more and make more gestures to players to signal offenses
Taking too long on offside calls, although trying to implement the new offside law.

1 - Critical Decisions correct
2 - Fitness and coverage of the ground
3 - Implementation of advantage

Development areas;
1 - Positioning at defensive FK's (Standing over ball too long)
2 - Blow promptly for offsides
3 - Avoid hesitancy at throw-ins.
Well done Aled, sounds like a very good assessment! The positives are very good and the areas for development can be easily rectified. The first area for development won't affect the game majorly, sometimes it can be beneficial to pause or slow the game down in order to calm a situation or get in a good position for the restart. As for the second point, unless you are working with assistants it can take a second or two to make an offside call depending on position (i.e. may not have seen a player behind you who is playing someone on). Overall, well done and long may it continue :)
7.5 is a great score for a 1st assessment. Last year it was getting 3 assessments over the score of 7 for promotion (not averaging over 7!). Very good work mate.

What's that conversation with club officials? During the game?
Just general chit-chat about refereeing, why I decided to start refereeing and other general chat about my college and many other things. It was before the game and during half time
Seems a little harsh to me, but I'm not an assessor.

I'll talk to anybody who's up for a football chat pre match (useful on many levels) and at half time my routine is drink, check nets, bit of banter with the inevitable kids shooting at the goals.

Odd one.
Thank you, I saw nothing wrong with having a chat, gave me a chance also to explain what I expect from the players to the manager E.g. No foul language direct at me with the reasons why
That is a really good assessment Aled, well done.

I too find it hard to understand the 'chat' comment - unless you were holding up kick-off or delaying player warm-ups etc I can't see anything wrong with chatting to people beforehand. It keeps you human in their eyes.

Personally, I try and distance myself from club officials and players during half time, but if staying out, will stand and take on water off the pitch so often exchange a few words with spectators/parents/dog walkers etc.

The stand-out one for me is the 'Decisive in calls' comment - very important to keep that up.
Sounds like a good assessment, well done!

Like others here, I really don't see a problem with talking to club officials! It's an odd one, but then again, I'm not an assessor!
Talk to who you want about what you want when ever you want your the ref not a drone like I think most assessers want you to be.

Or you could tell the assessor to **** off like I did after the game and told him to put that in he's report.

Well done though mate
That chat comment is what grips me about some assessors. Why do some of them say things like that or put their opinion on things in that way. I always make an effort to talk to the managers, secretary etc before a game as for one thing if you chat to them and make an effort there less likely to be obstructive to your game and more likely to help.

I have some real reservations about some assessors, they're given clear guidelines on what to assess on but insist on putting their own spin on things. Had one guy who watched the game from the car park in his car.
A medium ish mark so I wrote a report to county about the assessor and told them what I said to him. I won't hide and county sent me another assessor next game lol
Talk to who you want about what you want when ever you want your the ref not a drone like I think most assessers want you to be.

Or you could tell the assessor to **** off like I did after the game and told him to put that in he's report.

Well done though mate

Howard, I hate to be a spoilsport, but this is completely out of order. Assessors are usually good people (in your case you may have been unlucky in who your assessor was), they do not get paid much at all - in fact a small fraction of your match fee; yet they will spend usually a good few hours on an assessment. They are there not to look for mistakes and punish you for them, but to identify both your strengths and weaknesses - the latter can then be worked on in future games.

By telling an assessor to **** off, you are only making a bad name for yourself - something you don't want to do as a promotion candidate. If I was you, and I really didn't like the assessor, I would have taken it on the chin, read his assessment, and if need be, report it to the County.