The Ref Stop


The Ref Stop
At grassroots, safety and health first looking good and compliance next.

Actually safety and health first at any level. At higher levels you expect them to look professional and compliant at the same time.

At grassroots if it's a cold night and I have a junior on the night, I'd encourage them to wear a hoodie or jumper, preferably jumper under their jersey. Beanie or gloves are also ok.
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I can't fathom why a ref would stop his assistants from wearing gloves??

Usually if they get told not to by an assessor.

I was told off in my second season for wearing gloves. It was put into the report as well.

The last assessment I had in that county before I moved, I got pulled up for wearing undershorts. They were black, so no issues with the colour. Some of the referees I knew wore undershorts. But because I got pulled up on it, when I had assistants the following week, I relayed it to them because, well, better safe than sorry...

I'd imagine all that's changed now and we can wear both. :)
The difference is that players can't wear hats, so nor should referees. Whereas gloves can be worn by all.

Where in LOTG are hats banned Rusty? I wouldn't wear one myself but surely players are allowed to wear one if not dangerous - GK cap for example?
For the record I went with 3 base layers, undershorts and fingerless gloves.

Excellent cup game with the winner coming in the first minute of added time - phew!;)
Used to hate those fingerless gloves, especially when your mum sowed the long elastic in them to stop you losing them! 👍
Have seen countless FIFA officials wear gloves on cold European nights - if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us.
Usually if they get told not to by an assessor.

I was told off in my second season for wearing gloves. It was put into the report as well.

The last assessment I had in that county before I moved, I got pulled up for wearing undershorts. They were black, so no issues with the colour. Some of the referees I knew wore undershorts. But because I got pulled up on it, when I had assistants the following week, I relayed it to them because, well, better safe than sorry...

I'd imagine all that's changed now and we can wear both. :)

We want to encourage more referees and I fail to see how assessors feel that forcing people to freeze their bits off achieves this? Gloves are worn in the CL but assessors think they're a no no in the local park? I can't fathom the logic, it's so backwards. Jurassic thinking.

Hats and gloves should be encouraged not discouraged,surely that's just common sense? In Australian sports hats are a must because of the weather. I wonder if they have assessors going around telling them to ignore the weather and take your hats off in golf and cricket etc?

To being it back to football, why do we put barriers in front of people in the forms of ultra strict and unnecessary nuances about the kit? Why can't we evolve like the rest of society and move with the times?

It's freezing cold this weekend, just wear whatever enables you to enjoy the game as opposed to freezing your bits off and losing the enjoyment surely? It's a game not a military parade