Final 23 man England squad


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Level 7 Referee
What does everyone think of Roy Hodgson's final 23 man sqaud for the Euro's this summer? Any mistakes made in your opinion?
A&H International
I think taking both Wilshere, who has missed most of the season, and Henderson, who missed the end of the season, whilst leaving out Drinkwater who barely missed a game is a massive risk. If both of those get injured or don't prove their fitness we will be in all sorts of problems in the defensive midfield area.

I also worry that he is going to play square pegs in round holes. There's a real lack of natural width in the squad, with only Sterling and Lallana who regularly play out wide, and Lallana prefers playing centrally anyway. So I can see Vardy, Rashford, Barkley and Milner playing as one of the wide attackers even though they haven't played there for their clubs all season.
I entirely agree. Wilshere has played 3 matches over the course of this season, I don't understand how Roy Hodgson can deem hin ''match fit' in any way. I also don't think Wilshere deserves a place in the sqaud, purely because of the example he has set in the past, being caught countless times doing things that you wouldn't ever expect to see coming from a professional footballer.

Then you have Danny Drinkwater, left out after after being one of, if not the best English midfielder this season, along with Mark Noble. Strange thinking from Roy in my opinion.
The major plus with Wilshire is that in those last games he has looked lively and probably more dangerous than any other midfielder. Risky? Yes. Necessary? i would say so. Henderson looks off the pace and was playing poorly for Liverpool this season even before he was injured. He should have stayed home for my money.

Drinkwater is unproven and needed more games at international level. Shame he wasn't called up sooner as he should have been on the plane instead of hendo. As for Noble, he is never going to get a chance and time for him has run out. Fair? No. But since when has team selection for England been about fairness.
The squad has been to play a certain way - Diamond formation. His has picked 6 No 10's - Rooney, Alli, Barkley, Lallana, Sterling, Wiltshire which reinforces that decision.

At least we have attacking players, unlike previous squads. The important thing is what he will change it to, if plan A doesn't work.

I think that Drinkwater should have gone in preference to others, but Townsend will be missed more. Don't know what Milner does in the squad, given the other players available from the bench.
I think Roy Hodgson is unfortunately extremely bias towards big club players. Doesn't seem to want to give players with vast amouts of experience or quality, or both, the chance on the big stage.

In my opinion, if Marcus Rashford was a striker for Sunderland and scored the same amout of goals in the same amount of games as he has, he wouldn't even get a look in, but because he plays for one of the biggest clubs in the world, the media are alot more attracted to him. Whereas Jermaine Defoe can offer quality and experience, and has had a phenomenal season for a 'smaller club'.
Playing with bigger clubs in bigger games does hint at a players mentality and ability to handle big occasions. You're 100% right though, the bias is big clubs. But that is nothing new.
The important thing is what he will change it to, if plan A doesn't work.

Correct. Exactly why he should have taken Carroll.

I think that Drinkwater should have gone in preference to others, but Townsend will be missed more. Don't know what Milner does in the squad, given the other players available from the bench.

Don't rate Drinkwater but Townsend should have been on the plane ahead of Milner and Henderson. :cool:
I thought Drinkwater was a no brainier myself, but clearly not. What he has done over the course of the season for Leicester is something not many other English midfielders could do, even for a 'bigger club'.
me, personally, if Wilshere is fit now (which he obviously is) then he has to go ... as much as he is a liability, he is also our best midfielder and can tear teams apart just by running at them.

Hendo is my issue ... for me Noble should be there ahead of Drinkwater, but seeing as he wasn't then Drink Water 100% - not only has he been outstanding, he also deserves it!

Townsend for me is iffy ... yes Sterling has had a bad season, and I do hate the guy - but in all honesty ... would you pick Andros over Sterling? I don't think so - I just don't think Sterling should start, he tends to go missing when he starts - impact sub.
So name your team for the Russia game.....Ill do mine.


Walker Smalling Cahill Rose

Wilshire Dier

Sterling Rashford



PS. I honestly think we are going to go far (ok I think that every 2 years) but this time I REALLY believe it!!