Fifa 12


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I just had a game on fifa 12 and i injured someone and they have added a dropped ball onto it which i think is very good :D
A&H International
Yeah I notcied this, only thing is though, the ball went out for a throw, then the ref called on the physio, and instead of re-starting with the throw, he gave a dropped ball.
Don't really get all the hype about the FIFA games. Hated FIFA 11!

same here, i love xbox, but i can't get on with football games - perhaps it is the shear amount i am involved IRL with the beatiful game (or, more realistically, a wife that would divorce me if i mention more football :p )
Been playing FIFA12 on the Ipod and loving it. However the demo for FM2012 came out last night and thats going to be played a lot over the coming weeks
Yes Mr King there is ONLY one real football game and Football Manager is its name.... So much time "wasted" on that in the last 12 months!!!
colin I couldnt agree me! I hate the fact I play football manager! I tend to play it in massive long spurts then dont touch it at all for ages!
Yeah except my FM11 adventure lasted 9months and i haven't touched it since! Got TNS to the champions League KO rounds. I was off work with a bad back and getting up at the weekends between 5 and 6, with the little one, so I had ALOT of time on it!!
No I couldnt face it.... I spent 20years at TNS in the worst league in the world (although I made it better than the championship!) but I couldnt face starting over in the Welsh Prem.

No offence to you Lewys but the standard of the Welsh Prem is poor and yet theres a dirty Welsh team in the ENGLISH premier league. Something is highly amiss.
:eek: How dare you say that?!

Haha, I'm joking, I'll be the first to admitt the standard isn't great, however, I do feel that it is unfairly compared to other leagues.

People compare it to the EPL, sorry, but Wales has a population of 2.5 million and London alone has 16 million, I mean, obviously the standard will be poorer. We are one of the smallest nations in the world who has a top flight national league, adn so yes, obviously the standard will be considerably lower, and this is mainly due to the fact that most teams are semi-pro, and the main factor, there is very little financial input in comparisson to other nation, England, Sctoland, etc, this being because we are a considerably smaller country. I mean, some of your counties will have more of a population than us! And being so close to England, all out youth talent, understandably, go to the likes of Liverpool, Man Utd, Crewe and the likes, so again, it all comes down to the size of the country, and the financial implications of this.

And yes, we it may be one of the worst leagues in the world, but if you compare it with the EPL it will obviously be... So whilst I agree with you saying that the standard is poor, I think you are a little bit harsh. Its only poor / the world league in the world when you compare it to leagues that we know of. I'm sure if you compare us to the Nauru National Premier League, the tune would be different :rolleyes:

Oh, and speaking as a true Welshman, Swansea, are not counted as a Welsh team by anybody but the English :p

Naah, in all fairnes, the only reason they are still here is because the FAW won't let them leave... Presumably. Then again, TNS, and English team in the WELSH Premier League!

PS - Sorry, please don't feel I'm having a go at you, I'm not :)
No no not at, all due to my heafty stint with TNS I have been following the WPL over the last year even caught a few games on sgorio! Its nice to see a "big name" like John Hartson punditing there trying to raise the profile a bit.
ok, so after my last post, we decided to buy my son an xbox so we have one each and guess what - Fifa 12 comes free with it

hmm, try to play or sell on eBay???