Favorite Ref Items?

A&H International
Where do u keep the pencil & do u write subs names and numbers b4 kick off?
After you asked this - prior to, I had used golf pencils - I bought some of these pencils with clips. Ran my first game with it - much nicer than the golf pencil - just clip it to my write-on card and in the pocket it goes.
ref pencil-small.jpg
My Penquin bars!
In my defence I always offer them to my colleagues when I'm in a 3!

Penguin Bars - Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1 Bar/25g)
Calories - 130 calories of sin :cool:
Grams of Protein 1.3
Grams of Carbohydrate 15.6
Grams of Fat 6.9
Grams of Fibre 0.6
Surprised two things haven't been mentioned yet

1. My cards... or
2. BEN GAY / ICY HOT (I'm old)