Ever been booed??


Well-Known Member
Level 6 Referee
Was on a county cup final last month, and referee sent off one of the players (stonewall I might add)... Uproar from the crowd (right behind me, and the county officials).

Loads of abuse for the last 10 minutes (young ref did really well to ignore the comments or he's hard of hearing), then as we walked up to collect our memorabilia medals we all got booed...

Warned red before hand that if we get stuck here he should stay strong, and smile it out... Which we all 4 did... Couldn't help but sneak a cheeky wink in either (oops)

Anyway, any of you ever been booed or received major flack from a large crowd??
A&H International
I haven't experienced this but my grandad has a few good old stories about it from when he refereed in the 1950's. He once had a game where the supporters threatened to throw him in the duck pond next to the pitch, and apparently they were totally serious.
Another one (and by far my favourite) was a notorious small village team. It was known amongst everyone in football at the time that if you ran too close to the supporters touchline for this said team, the women (wives/mothers) would use the handle of their umbrellas to try and hook the refs ankle and trip him up, whether he was having a good game or not :p
I wouldn't call it a large crowd, but I was booed by half of the crowd at my U14 game on Saturday.

All because I dismissed a player who couldn't keep his mouth shut! :mad:
Had a "warm welcome" coming off after doing a Fourth Official on the FA Trophy at Worcester City a good few years ago.

Anyone who remembered St George's Lane will know that the dressing rooms were in one corner of the ground - and to get to them from the pitch had to go through this cage tunnel - which was regularly shaken and abuse hurled through it.

Was quite funny to see friends of mine giving me and the other three officials (the referee was Andy Williams from Hereford) both barrels...
I got verbalised with assorted booing earlier this season.

I remember after the final whistle having to walk through a crowd of about 50 idiots who had come around specially to to where I walk away from the FOP thinking "this might kick off..."

Luckily it was all mouth and no trousers from a pack of cowards.
Once I walked into a grandstand (at a tournament), and the U/16 team who I refereed the day before (problem team, problem match) all stood up and chanted 'w****r......w****r.....w****r.....'

Don't recall haven't that sort of response (widescale booing) after the match though. I've had crowds going absolutely berserk at me for the length of the game, but usually it's only a few individuals who want to carry on afterwards.
I was lucky enough to have some sing "you're just a crap Phil Dowd" and then change it to "you're just a fat Phil Dowd". Did make me laugh!
I was AR on the Thatcham v Newbury match at the end of the season in which the referee sent one off and cautioned another after the majority of the players got into a shoving match following a bad tackle. This all happened the other side of the pitch to me, and I had all the spectators behind me, more or less. Well, after I came back to my line (after stepping on the field of play to assist with the referee in getting the facts right with the other AR), I got hurled abuse about not knowing what I was doing, with the referee getting even more so. Thing is, it was an away player that got his marching orders.
At the end of the game, a Thatcham player was sent off for a brilliant save on the goal line, just a shame he was a defender. Player off, penalty scored, final whistle came. A lot more abuse from sidelines, and even the Thatcham board members (assume board members as they were all suited and booted) came on to 'escort' us off, but gave us abuse too.

I remember, when I first started, I was in the middle doing an U13 Cup final, with my brother as AR having just qualified himself, and he flagged for a penalty just before half time. At the same time, the ball went behind for what would be a goal kick. I had a quick chat with my brother, and determined that what he thought he saw is completely opposite to what I saw and I was 6 yards away to his approximate 20 yards. I overruled him and gave the goal kick. The team who would have got the penalty were 3-0 up already, and stayed that until half time.
They lost 4-3.
I am still getting comments now 15 years on. But back then, I was very much abused with the manager coming into my dressing room to question it. I politely informed him that I was not prepared to explain my decision and that he should leave now.
Truly pathetic :(

One of the reasons I retired was that I reached the point where I can no longer stop myself getting angry (well after the game) about that sort of crap.
My favourite but most challenging game as a referee with no NARs is CArs was in the knock out regional cup last year. 2nd in division A was playing 3rd bottom of division B. Was called a "f***ing crackpot" and a "cheating w***er" by a guy walking his dog 10 minutes after I sent off a player for the most obvious DOGSO ive seen in my life.

He was on the street outside the fence so I couldn't send him away as he was technically on public land. A quick chat to the manager and a bluff that I would abandon sorted it. Still got absolute pelters the whole game which I loved. Call me mental but I love being the hate figure, especially when I know I'm right.

Game ended 4-3 to the team in the bottom division. I didn't help matters by disallowing a goal in the last minute for hand ball that would have taken it to extra time. The pitch was down a big hill and my car was at the top beside all the parents. Had to walk up the hill past all the parents who told me I was a "joke" a "disgrace" amongst other things. Called the manager later and told him his support were going to be reported for their behaviour. Happy days.
I just won't lower myself ALL the way down to their mentality to respond.....

I was AR on the Thatcham v Newbury match at the end of the season in which the referee sent one off and cautioned another after the majority of the players got into a shoving match following a bad tackle. This all happened the other side of the pitch to me, and I had all the spectators behind me, more or less. Well, after I came back to my line (after stepping on the field of play to assist with the referee in getting the facts right with the other AR), I got hurled abuse about not knowing what I was doing, with the referee getting even more so. Thing is, it was an away player that got his marching orders.
At the end of the game, a Thatcham player was sent off for a brilliant save on the goal line, just a shame he was a defender. Player off, penalty scored, final whistle came. A lot more abuse from sidelines, and even the Thatcham board members (assume board members as they were all suited and booted) came on to 'escort' us off, but gave us abuse too.

I remember, when I first started, I was in the middle doing an U13 Cup final, with my brother as AR having just qualified himself, and he flagged for a penalty just before half time. At the same time, the ball went behind for what would be a goal kick. I had a quick chat with my brother, and determined that what he thought he saw is completely opposite to what I saw and I was 6 yards away to his approximate 20 yards. I overruled him and gave the goal kick. The team who would have got the penalty were 3-0 up already, and stayed that until half time.
They lost 4-3.
I am still getting comments now 15 years on. But back then, I was very much abused with the manager coming into my dressing room to question it. I politely informed him that I was not prepared to explain my decision and that he should leave now.

I used to referee in the Berks & Bucks League many seasons ago and always had issues with Thatcham and Newbury teams...
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Rightly or wrongly, being a referee means we will get a fair bit of flak during the course of our careers. I have never let it bother me, and have never reacted to comments from spectators.
Its a well known fact that all spectators are ignorant of the Laws,
1) All spectators are referees
2) All spectators can see offsides despite being from 20 + yards away
3) All spectators live in the fourth dimension
4) This includes managers/coaches/tv pundits,
Perhaps all football matches should be played in slow motion that would put the pundits out of a job
I am not perfect(never said i was) but i know the Laws,i apply them fairly and correctly.
Does it bother me what other people think or say on or around the pitch......um! no!
They want to step over the line and abuse me then i will take whatever action necessary
As long as i do my best and i enjoy it..... then i am one happy chappy
I was on the line for Taunton vs Bridgwater in the FA Cup Prelim Round in August 2013, and we ended up with five reds - three for Taunton, and two for Bridgwater. There were about 450-500 there watching, and I think it's fair to say that had you asked either set of fans, we wouldn't have been the most popular people in the ground! I don't really remember if there was any booing during the game (I'm sure there must have been though), but I'll never forget walking off at the end of the match. Best part of 200 people crowded around the corner of the pitch that leads to the changing rooms, all giving us dog's abuse. I think it wound them up slightly more (if possible) that the three of us walked past them all with big grins on our faces!
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