even level 3's....


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Bumped into the guy who ran my refereeing course in sainsbury's last night.

Was chatting with him about my latest assessment

He told me that he'd been assessing a level three ref earlier in the week

Collision on the half-way line, in front of the technical areas. play continued up around the penalty area. One player involved in collision holding his head, ref alerted / noticed and stopped play with the ball still in play

Ref came back to the halfway line to oversee the injury and then restarted play with.......a direct free kick at the point where the collision had taken place.

Players, who had already decided who would kick the ball to who at the point where play had been stopped were, apparently, a little bemused....but life and the game went on....
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A&H International

Happens to the best of us it appears...

Surely one of his assistants would have got his attention and not allowed the wrong restart?
Would it not be reasonable for the referee to have considered a foul to have taken place, and thus attempted to play advantage, and then upon realizing the potentially serious nature of the injury decided to pull it back for the free kick... granted, for the ball to have moved as far up the field as it did it would have had to have been a particularly long advantage... but still, not inconceivable :D
I like your thinking, Evan. I shall put your observaion to the gentleman concerned.