

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Bit of a random post to be honest. Been refereeing for 4 years or so recently promoted to L5 and was on the promotion track to get to Level 4. I had been really enjoying my refereeing and have "achieved" quite a lot in my short time including appointments to FA Vase, FA Cup, Cup Finals, League deciders etc but for some unknown reason I have really fallen out of love with refereeing and when considering if I want to do it anymore I am really not fussed.

I have withdrawn from the promotion scheme to L4 as I dont feel fit enough so its one less thing to worry about and some of the rule changes haven't helped either. I decided to re-register incase I do want to officiate this year as it may just be a "spell". I thought a year off the promotion scheme seemed like a good idea to allow me to focus on refereeing without worrying about getting in games or observations etc and I can always rejoin next year.

But has anyone else lost their enjoyment/motivation for refereeing and if so how did you get it back?
A&H International
I think it happens to most referees at some point, certainly did for me. Take some time out, which effectively you are doing with the end of season break, and see if you find you are missing it. If yes the enjoyment will likely return, if not it might not be for you.
After doing 2 seasons of promotion back to back going from 7-6 then 6-5 I took a year off the promotion trail.

I'd felt like I was counting games and it became a bit of a grind in truth. Taking a year out from the promotion treadmill meant I could referee on my terms, no expectations on my availability and I could still get some really good games when I was available.

It gave me a chance to work on a few things in my game and by Christmas time I was refreshed enough mentally to be ready to attack the L4 promotion attempt.
As others have said happens all the time to most of us I would think.

Have two pre season friendlies 9th and 16th July that I'm really looking forward to, but just know that there will be times this season when a fixture pops up and I think 'I'd rather be...…..'

As others have said, the answer may be to close a few weeks and the see how you feel - its a hobby after all, if you are not enjoying it - what's the point?
I went through a few ups and downs, things happen in games that knock your confidence, experience for me though is key, you learn to deal with issues better and aren't flustered as you get older as you were when you were just starting out. It can be a lonely place at times and asking for advice and a RF cuddle is often a good way, to get back on the horse if you've fell off!! Otherwise, you can go and help @Mintyref in his garden,,, The plot thickens!
Bit of a random post to be honest. Been refereeing for 4 years or so recently promoted to L5 and was on the promotion track to get to Level 4. I had been really enjoying my refereeing and have "achieved" quite a lot in my short time including appointments to FA Vase, FA Cup, Cup Finals, League deciders etc but for some unknown reason I have really fallen out of love with refereeing and when considering if I want to do it anymore I am really not fussed.

I have withdrawn from the promotion scheme to L4 as I dont feel fit enough so its one less thing to worry about and some of the rule changes haven't helped either. I decided to re-register incase I do want to officiate this year as it may just be a "spell". I thought a year off the promotion scheme seemed like a good idea to allow me to focus on refereeing without worrying about getting in games or observations etc and I can always rejoin next year.

But has anyone else lost their enjoyment/motivation for refereeing and if so how did you get it back?
Whilst I can't say I have felt close to giving it up full time I have had games and wondered afterwards is it worth it.
What I will say is now is the time for a break. Going for level 4 without the enthusiasm for it is not a great idea as the game demands are higher as is the commitment and expectation on availability.
Take a break. Evuate where you are at and if you miss it there will be plenty of games waiting for you when you get back.
Good luck with what ever you choose going forwards.
Yep. While your reason is 'unknown' mine was poor action or no action by powers that be for incidents needing strong action. I took two months off mid season. I don't think end of season break helps as much because you are actually not changing anything. You would have had that break regardless. Keep fit in either case even if it's just for personal reason.
Bit of a random post to be honest. Been refereeing for 4 years or so recently promoted to L5 and was on the promotion track to get to Level 4. I had been really enjoying my refereeing and have "achieved" quite a lot in my short time including appointments to FA Vase, FA Cup, Cup Finals, League deciders etc but for some unknown reason I have really fallen out of love with refereeing and when considering if I want to do it anymore I am really not fussed.

I have withdrawn from the promotion scheme to L4 as I dont feel fit enough so its one less thing to worry about and some of the rule changes haven't helped either. I decided to re-register incase I do want to officiate this year as it may just be a "spell". I thought a year off the promotion scheme seemed like a good idea to allow me to focus on refereeing without worrying about getting in games or observations etc and I can always rejoin next year.

But has anyone else lost their enjoyment/motivation for refereeing and if so how did you get it back?

I’ve found that having a young family to escape from has increased my motivation!

(Love them squeeze them!)
My 4 grandkids were the final nail in the career, work away all week then missing out on grandad time to nursemaid 22 idiots and 2 prats... Done deal!