The Ref Stop

Engaging crowd


I was on the line on Tuesday and was receiving a load of ubuse from the stand behind me.

As per normal the comments they come out with are utter nonsense and clearly have no understanding of the laws of the game. I have always felt it quite hard to bite my lip and not correct them or respond to some of their comments, in a proffesional manner I must add. I realise this will get me no where and i just leave the morons to it.

But what is the sensus if you actually get some good light hearted banter from behind you. Can you engage, share a light hearted opinion or is this a no no and just do not entertain them?
The Ref Stop
Got 90 minutes of pearlers whilst running a line in a county cup semi final. 700 fans giving me grief, not sure why as their team were winning easily.

I was being instructed on helping the ref out with decisions 70yards from me. I was also criticised for having differently branded shorts and top. They didn't like my Tempo boots either, or that I ignored them. I smiled inwardly and got on with it.
I always find that offering them the flag and asking them to "have a go if you think you're so clever...", tends to shut them up for a bit.
Was just about to post exactly the same as OP after my game last night!

"LINO!" screamed every time ball went forward, "Look lino 3 of them offside" - ball in different parish at the time, referee gives a foul right in front of me (trailing leg of defender out of my sight - "You've got to help the ref out there lino" - like how?!

Best one of the lot - "He can't take goal kick there lino - it has to be on the line"!!!!!!!:confused:

My two colleagues greeted me at half time with "Having a good game there 'LINO?'":)
As tempting as it is to engage, you've got to keep total concentration on the match. They really would have something to shout about if you miss something because you've been distracted for a moment!
As tempting as it is to engage, you've got to keep total concentration on the match. They really would have something to shout about if you miss something because you've been distracted for a moment!
I tend to agree. It's 'banter' when the crowd shout at you offensive/arrogant/aggressive etc if you engage them back.
As tempting as it is to engage, you've got to keep total concentration on the match. They really would have something to shout about if you miss something because you've been distracted for a moment!

Quite right of course.

Mrs PP, who was keeping a low profile;), was very impressed that I didn't turn round and react to the 'advice'!
I tend to agree. It's 'banter' when the crowd shout at you offensive/arrogant/aggressive etc if you engage them back.

And we have to remember these days it's quite common for people to have their phones out filming what's going on :(
My betrothed popped in to watch me ref a County game recently. She had to walk away because of the abuse coming from a bunch of older gentlemen. Seems I am a woman's private parts, blind, not very good, slow , biased, busy, arrogant - didn't hear a word of it myself. I would hate to hear their opinions if there team were losing !
I normally get lots of abuse and comments from the sidelines, 'You F'kin useless t***, 'Do you know what you are doing' 'You should take up another hobby' 'you haven't done this and you haven't done that' Yap Yap Yap!!!! I do try to block out this one individual for 90 minutes...

I've told the wife not to come to my games but she insists!!!! :(
I think you can get away with a little bit of chat to the crowd if it's friendly, if the "crowd" is actually fairly small, and if it doesn't distract you from play (turning round is a big no, as is engaging them when the ball is anywhere near you). If any one of these criteria isn't 100% met, best to ignore it and concentrate on your job.

And if they are being abusive, you have only two options - ignore it completely, or get the ref involved, knowing that his options are fairly limited and you're putting him in a tough position by doing so. It's important that we shouldn't be expected to put up with any abuse (especially if it's along the lines of any "protected characteristics").
I found out early on that engaging the crowd during the match gets you nowhere. Maybe a clever comment at the end, especially if they have no idea of the laws (e.g one guy telling me someone is offside at a throw in).
I have one comeback ready and waiting. My son has a role in the school production of Twelfth Night and one of his lines is ' I prithee, vent they foolishness on another fool'.

Will let you know how it goes - if anything it'll confuse them or have them reaching for Google. The season starts here next week.
I found out early on that engaging the crowd during the match gets you nowhere. Maybe a clever comment at the end, especially if they have no idea of the laws (e.g one guy telling me someone is offside at a throw in).
I have one comeback ready and waiting. My son has a role in the school production of Twelfth Night and one of his lines is ' I prithee, vent they foolishness on another fool'.

Will let you know how it goes - if anything it'll confuse them or have them reaching for Google. The season starts here next week.

Nope, that'll be just another opportunity given for abuse of a different topic......
I had a cup final on tuesday and as junior ar i was infront of the main body of the crowd.

There were a couple of guys behind me who kept saying they were going to pull my shorts down.

Last time they said it and the ball had gone for a corner down the far end i just quipped over my shoulder that theyd need to buy me dinner first. Got quite a big laugh from the crowd.

I dont make any response when people are shouting abuse whether its aggresive or in more of a banter type manner, but a quick retort to something funny like that without taking your attention away from the game with a small crowd can help get them onside.

One of my memorable ones was end of last season i was running the line on a ryman development game and i was stood on or near the half way line.

The ref didnt give something right down the far end of the pitch and all i got for the next five minutes was arent you going to get involved there lino, you can help the ref out you know etc etc.
My betrothed popped in to watch me ref a County game recently. She had to walk away because of the abuse coming from a bunch of older gentlemen. Seems I am a woman's private parts, blind, not very good, slow , biased, busy, arrogant - didn't hear a word of it myself. I would hate to hear their opinions if there team were losing !

My wife came to watch me once and told me never again, as she wanted to punch a particularly vocal supporter out for giving me abuse. She didn't believe me when I told her that I hadn't heard a word of it!
I had a cup final on tuesday and as junior ar i was infront of the main body of the crowd.

There were a couple of guys behind me who kept saying they were going to pull my shorts down.

Last time they said it and the ball had gone for a corner down the far end i just quipped over my shoulder that theyd need to buy me dinner first. Got quite a big laugh from the crowd.

I dont make any response when people are shouting abuse whether its aggresive or in more of a banter type manner, but a quick retort to something funny like that without taking your attention away from the game with a small crowd can help get them onside.

One of my memorable ones was end of last season i was running the line on a ryman development game and i was stood on or near the half way line.

The ref didnt give something right down the far end of the pitch and all i got for the next five minutes was arent you going to get involved there lino, you can help the ref out you know etc etc.

Re your last paragraph - you get that all the time. Had one last week, ref perfectly positioned as was I.

GK slides out collects ball, attacker leaves foot in, minimal contact, GK gets up, again minimal contact made by him in retaliation.

It was Ryman U18 and ref decided no action required, I agreed with him at H/T agreeing I had seen it exactly as him, but "crowd" screaming at me "You saw THAT, lino, got to help out ref" etc etc etc
Went to a local National League game on a particularly quiet Saturday a few months back. I happened to be stood with a few particularly vocal fans who abused the linesman non stop after he flagged for a free kick that lead to a goal for the opposition. Some of the abuse was vile ("I hope you die" being the worst) and he didn't even flinch; great deal of admiration for someone who can take that without reacting in the slightest.

PS - the decision was absolutely spot on (in my opinion) :drink:
Most of what you hear from behind when on the line is boring, as it is the same mis-informed rubbish week in week out.

Most recent one was the usual, "You're not allowed to tell the players what to do!" from an elderly gent behind me, when I'm doing the usual, "Steady, steady..." when play is getting feisty near me.