Eating before a game


New Member
Level 7 Referee
We all know that ideally you should eat about 3 hours before a game and to make sure its quite carb heavy.

However, say you have a 11 o'clock kick off, you ideally need to eat something at 8 o'clock. As someone who doesnt really eat on a morning, especially first thing. Should you force yourself to eat something or just accept that if your not hungry then your not hungry?
A&H International
It's a cliche, but a correct one; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Gotta fuel yourself properly.

Get into the habit of eating a good breakfast everyday is my advice.
Personally for a 2pm kick off I am to eat around 9:30 to 10:00, choice is always a big plate of scrabbled eggs on toast.
2 hours before I will have a couple of piece of white toast, some beans maybe.
It's a tough one this, as everyone is very different.
Good friend of mine will ALWAYS have a massive bacon butty on the morning of the game, regardless of kick-off time. If he's got an evening game, he'll have the most enormous thing of pasta after work (5 o'clock onwards)

Another mate of mine, for every Saturday game, will destroy a Toby Carvery breakfast. He's a FL lino, so they meet at the ground 3 hours before KO, so he's in Carvery at 10ish, depending on how far he's got to travel.

Personally, for a Saturday 3pm game, I'd always eat a large bowl of porridge at around 11 and then a breakfast bar or two en route to the ground.
Routine changed, obviously, for evening games. Still porridge in morning but then normally a late lunch of chicken & pasta! Again, breakfast bar or two in the car!