Dorking Manager Rant


Well-Known Member

That‘s one hell of a rant about a referee team to detract from your own team’s failings, after a 0-3 home defeat.

Interesting to see if the EFL react to sanction Marc White, owner, chairman manager of Dorking Wanderers or not….
A&H International
I'm going to out on a limb here and guess that observer Phil Crossley's report will tell a very different story to that rant. A lot of it is nonsense "they have assistants referees that are from 2 / 3 / 4 leagues below". Assuming they aren't specialist ARs, they would be level 3s, so at the absolute most refereeing up to two levels below, and that's how refereeing works. What does he expect, level 2As in the middle and level 2As on the line?

One for the National League rather than EFL, but they should be having a look at it.
Just watched the 7 min highlights. Obviously at this level its only 1 camera angle so view not great

1st pen (and red card) - maybe went down easily and could have been sold as as an attempt for the ball and b) there was another defender close by.
2nd pen - Its a pen!
3rd goal - Not even close to offside.

Obviously managers comments are totally unacceptable. I get his beef with the first pen and red card, but why not just say it was the (in his opinion) wrong decision.

His rant that all referees in the NL and EFL are rubbish is just laughable as is his dislike of ARs below the level of the referee, promoted referees and electronic communication! :rolleyes:
Being owner, chairman & manager means he is not accountable to anybody. In this interview he asks fans who don’t agree with him not to come & support the club.
He kind of has a right to a bit of self entitlement, given he's taken them from the Crawley & District League to the National League Premier in little over 20 years. 12 promotions in that amount of time is an unbelievable achievement.

Doesn't mean he can or should get away with abusing and criticising match officials though.
If anyone’s interested, there’s a really good docuseries on YouTube about Dorking (look for Bunch of Amateurs’ channel). It’s actually massively entertaining and a good insight into football at that level.

He comes across well and is pretty fair with referees - he normally won’t question unless he actually disagrees with the decision. But when he does disagree, he does become very difficult. He does praise referees, however, also has another side where he is very difficult
If anyone’s interested, there’s a really good docuseries on YouTube about Dorking (look for Bunch of Amateurs’ channel). It’s actually massively entertaining and a good insight into football at that level.

He comes across well and is pretty fair with referees - he normally won’t question unless he actually disagrees with the decision. But when he does disagree, he does become very difficult. He does praise referees, however, also has another side where he is very difficult
100% agreed. I watch it and am currently watch the latest episode which is currently premiering on YouTube. It’s a great series.
He comes across well and is pretty fair with referees - he normally won’t question unless he actually disagrees with the decision. But when he does disagree, he does become very difficult. He does praise referees, however, also has another side where he is very difficult
This is all well and good but why is he getting praised for the bare minimum? The fact he kicks off and moans about decisions and undermines referees (often whilst getting the law wrong time and again) is enough.
If anyone’s interested, there’s a really good docuseries on YouTube about Dorking (look for Bunch of Amateurs’ channel). It’s actually massively entertaining and a good insight into football at that level.

He comes across well and is pretty fair with referees - he normally won’t question unless he actually disagrees with the decision. But when he does disagree, he does become very difficult. He does praise referees, however, also has another side where he is very difficult
Presumably a correlation to when they win and lose?
He won't be happy unless Howard Webb did the middle.......

Does he realise that the NL is a training league for referees to be promoted to the EFL. Any good referee will get promoted out and replaced by another one. I think he feels that they should have FT referees, just because the players are.

Same as for women's football, the FT officials would be paid more than the players....
He kind of has a right to a bit of self entitlement, given he's taken them from the Crawley & District League to the National League Premier in little over 20 years. 12 promotions in that amount of time is an unbelievable achievement.

Doesn't mean he can or should get away with abusing and criticising match officials though.
Its the usual double standards - his forward misses from 3 yards - a chance he said himself was "easier to score than miss" but then he laughs it off - no rant about the quality of forward play in the whole football pyramid there!:rolleyes:
Genuinely no. If he thinks the ref’s been good, regardless of the result, he’ll praise them. Same the other way too. I’m not defending him here at all
The latest clip on BOA Tik Tok is Mark booing the officials as they warm up and telling the opposing manager that he always does it and he hates them…

The bloke is a cancer.
Strangely, three videos posted of this game by different folks doesn't show the Officials poor performance, or any of their poor decisions! Weird that!
I've always asserted that the Refereeing of the Beautiful Game is fundamentally broken and not good enough at all Levels. But that's a bold statement which I could write a dissertation of context around. It's actually the game that's broken. The culture and behaviour in and around the game evidently makes it impossible to achieve the officiating standards that could otherwise be reached. So it's not the Referees who are at fault; some of my colleagues are extremely capable individuals, in terms of Refereeing but also their life skills and achievements

But this Spanner from Dorking hasn't got enough brain cells to have any credibility
When someone is so 'off the scale', either he's doing it for laughs or he gets laughed at anyway. The interview is quite funny for one of those reasons!
For me it is down to the character and level of responsibility of the manager. There are plenty at the higher levels who rarely criticise referees, very much in the minority granted, but they do exist. Graham Potter is probably a good example, Eddie Howe also, and at lower levels I don't think I can ever remember Darren Moore criticise a referee. I'd like to think if I was a manager at those levels I would just refuse to answer any questions about the refereeing performance. After all, what is venting against the referee going to achieve? It won't change the decisions, it won't kick off the proper formal complaints procedure, and is likely to land you in hot water.

I also used to come down hard on players when I managed if they tried to blame the referee. They might get away with it if they'd had a faultless performance, but that rarely happened. My view is that any manager trying to blame someone or something else for his team's failings, whether that is the referee, fixture schedule, a dodgy pitch, etc, is failing his responsibilities as a manager. It is too easy to blame something or someone else to deflect from your own failings.