
Well-Known Member
Had an U13 game a few weeks ago and was trying to re-run situations in my head to think of how I could have handled it better but I think I might have made a fairly big mistake.

Teams called me for 10 KO so got there fairly early and onto the pitch at 9.30 when they asked if I could start now. No problem for me, however, everything was rushed with regard to teamlines and thinking back, I felt a bit under pressure to hurry things along and wasn't thinking great...anyway I waffle.

Very 1st minute of the game, greens take centre and lump it up into blues half. Blue keeper picks it and punts it all the way up the pitch, over EVERY green defender where a blue attacker runs onto it, making his way into the box just to the right of the 6 yard box. Keeper comes out (fairly large kid) and last defender is chasing right behind him and gives him a pull back about 5 yards out, putting him off stride and the ball runs out for a goal kick.

I felt there was enough for a penalty so gave it, but no card, not even a red.

Thinking back, the angle at which the keeper came out at the moment the foul happened made me think the attacker would never have got it past him, like it was physically impossible, however, on reflection it was a DOGSO. I still feel a red would have been incredibly harsh, given the age and time of the game, but technically it should have been.

What do you think?
A&H International
If, in your opinion, it has prevented the attacker from having an obvious goal scoring opportunity then yes, send the defender off, regardless of their age. The laws of the game make no allowances for the age group.
if kick off was scheduled for ten but both teams wanted to kick off earlier, i would be happy to try to accommodate their wishes but not at the expense of my pre-match responsibilities...and that includes rushing them.
Yup, whenever I've been asked by a coach, I reply "I'll put it to the opposition, but I don't have a problem kicking off when everyone is ready".

Also, DOGSO or not a pulling an opponent is at least a yellow. It's up to you whether it was Obvious Goal Scoring opportunity, but it is not our place to decide whether he could have got it past the keeper or not. Could he have got the shot on target? Then it is a goal-scoring opportunity.

We are told by the powers that be that if an attacker is fouled when his next touch could have been a shot on target, then it's DOGSO. 'On target' meaning anywhere within the goalposts and under the bar.
I think with the last bit, take that with a pinch of salt. What if theres a foul on the edge of the box, where the attacker was about to shoot? There, he could've had a shot on target with his next touch, but I wouldn't be brandishing a red card if there were other players behind him?

I think we as referees need to see each incident separately in regards to DOGSO. Not one is the same twice, so each one has to be judged individually I would say.
I think with the last bit, take that with a pinch of salt. What if theres a foul on the edge of the box, where the attacker was about to shoot? There, he could've had a shot on target with his next touch, but I wouldn't be brandishing a red card if there were other players behind him?

I think we as referees need to see each incident separately in regards to DOGSO. Not one is the same twice, so each one has to be judged individually I would say.
Yup - maybe I could have been clearer. We are told that we need to consider that it could be DOGSO if the attacker could shoot. But to remember the wording is 'Obvious Goal Scoring opportunity'.
Its your opinion that matter's mate!

At the end of the day you made the decision and you did what you thought was right at the time.

Head up and look forward to your next game.

Also I would advise to always kick off at the correct time because it could cause problems later on
with your CFA
...or just check this week with your contact at the league/s that you referee in so that you'll know if it's o.k. to do so down the line
Thinking back, the angle at which the keeper came out at the moment the foul happened made me think the attacker would never have got it past him, like it was physically impossible, however, on reflection it was a DOGSO. I still feel a red would have been incredibly harsh, given the age and time of the game, but technically it should have been.

What do you think?
Reading your own words, it is not a DOGSO. As for a Yellow? probably.
Kids games need refs, so well done for doing it. Move on to your next game.