
Cheshire Ref

RefChat Addict
Ok so I am watching my nephew play in a junior game at weekend and an incident happened that made me think, I have not come across this one before and wondered on your thoughts.

A defender plays the ball back to his goalkeeper who slips over before the ball gets to him, the ball is now rolling into his net for an own goal. The goalkeeper realises this and flings himself across the goal and gathers the ball up in his arms, referee blows and gives an in-direct free kick to the other team. Now in this situation he was perfectly right, junior football etc etc. However it did make me think, in OA football what would you do? Is this DOGSO? All I can think is it has to be... doesn't it??
A&H International
Nope. Always an indirect freekick and nothing more. It is directly mentioned on the LOTG somewhere. Can't check for page at the moment.
You are quite right Monkey, it is right there in law. You learn something new everyday don't you!!! Should have just referred to the good book in the first place!!
Page 39 under Sending-off offences:

denying the opposing team a goal or an obvious goalscoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his own penalty area)
So is counted as a back pass correct?

Defender to keeper who picks it up (as page 39 quote not apply to GK in ... etc)
Reminds me of the can of worms that was opened when phil dowd cautioned simon mignolet for usb when he did pretty much this. Couldn't send him off but I think justified the yellow on the grounds that it "wasn't within the spirit of the game".
If that is indeed what he was cautioned for, bad form Mr Dowd - get your nose back in the LOTG!
It's a deliberate pass back. Fair enough on the freekick (idfk).

Must have said something?